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Kidney Failure

October 01, 2019
3 min read

Awareness and prevention needed to slow progression of CKD

Awareness and prevention needed to slow progression of CKD

It is a sad fact that – even as prevalent as kidney disease has become in the United States – many Americans have no idea that, albeit silently, their kidney function is deteriorating. As we know, there are often few obvious, outward signs. Genetics and race play a role; but whereas people might be aware that their blood pressure is high, they could stand to lose some weight or that their blood sugars are elevated, not enough individuals know to connect the dots between these medical issues and the functional longevity of their kidneys.

August 07, 2019
1 min read

National Kidney Registry will reimburse donors for lost wages

National Kidney Registry will reimburse donors for lost wages

On August 5, the National Kidney Registry announced it will reimburse those who donated a kidney through its paired kidney exchange program for wages lost due to recovery time.

August 16, 2018
5 min read

Advances in robotic surgery have transformed renal cell carcinoma care

Recent innovations in the management of renal cell carcinoma have helped clinicians preserve the kidney during surgery and with it, kidney function for their patients. Ketan K. Badani, MD, professor of urology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital and director of the comprehensive kidney cancer program at Mount Sinai Health System in New York, spearheaded one of these advances: the first assistant sparing technique for robotic partial nephrectomy. In an interview with Healio, Badani spoke about the advantages of this technique, the limitations with current robotic nephrectomy, how he handles patient education and more.

January 01, 2020
3 min read

Patients need cohesive health care coverage to cope with kidney disease

From the perspective of policy makers, patient advocates and health care providers, chronic kidney disease and kidney failure present the following series of important questions:

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