Joint Pain
Two-thirds of older adults with joint pain use OTC therapies to manage pain
Vegan diet reduces joint pain, swelling in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Joint pain in psoriasis, PsA driving analgesic opioid use
Tanezumab comparable to NSAIDs in WOMAC pain, function across OA patient subgroups
Great Debate: Joint tissue impacts nerves, or vice versa, in OA
New topics to be featured during annual Joint Replacement Awareness Day
Wartime 'innovation' spurred revolution in rheumatology, surfing technology
MAUI, Hawaii — Although traditionally marked by scant changes in treatment and diagnosis from its prehistoric roots, the field of rheumatology experienced a windfall of “disruptive innovation” following World War II — an unlikely catalyst that also revolutionized surfing technology, according to a unique “Hawaiian TED Talk” presented at the 2020 Rheumatology Winter Clinical Symposium.
The Not So Golden Age of Rheumatology Therapy
Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis have changed drastically over the past 30 years, but some of today’s rheumatologists can still remember studying — and, more rarely, using — gold injections as a treatment for RA. A peek into the history of this treatment reveals a treasure trove of interesting ideas that connected various gold treatments to rheumatology, despite the often toxic results.