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Intraocular Lens

August 30, 2023
1 min watch

VIDEO: Iyuzeh offers preservative free option for IOP reduction

VIDEO: Iyuzeh offers preservative free option for IOP reduction

MARCO ISLAND, Fla. — In this Healio Video Perspective, Monique M. Barbour, MD, MHA, FAAO, discusses why Iyuzeh is a promising new treatment for open-angle glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

August 21, 2023
3 min read

Managing focal zonular weakness in cataract surgery

Managing focal zonular weakness in cataract surgery

While most patients undergoing cataract surgery have good support of the lens capsule, there are cases in which zonulopathy can pose a challenge intraoperatively.

August 21, 2023
5 min read

IOL iterations abound, but shape-changing accommodating lens remains end goal

IOL iterations abound, but shape-changing accommodating lens remains end goal

Healio | OSN focuses on a topic dear to my heart, premium IOLs.

August 21, 2023
12 min read

Future of IOLs: Modular, shape-changing, multifunctional

Future of IOLs: Modular, shape-changing, multifunctional

Replicating the physiological mechanism of focusing of the crystalline lens with an IOL has been the long-time ultimate goal of presbyopia management.

August 18, 2023
2 min read

BLOG: Three barriers to the new accommodating IOLs

BLOG: Three barriers to the new accommodating IOLs

Over the next year or so, we will hear more discussion about a new breed of accommodating lens implants seeking FDA approval and how they might alter our practices.

August 08, 2023
3 min read

Something old, new, borrowed, blue: Premium IOL trends

Something old, new, borrowed, blue: Premium IOL trends

Not to cause any confusion for those reading my Premium Channel column, but this premium eye surgeon is not getting married again any time soon.

July 27, 2023
1 min read

Healio presents top five cataract surgery items in July

Healio presents top five cataract surgery items in July

Healio’s top cataract surgery items in July covered the benefits of cryopreserved amniotic membrane before surgery and a column discussing how an ophthalmologist dealt with the same surgical complication twice in one day.

July 24, 2023
9 min watch

VIDEO: Intrascleral haptic fixation allows IOL placement in absence of capsular support

VIDEO: Intrascleral haptic fixation allows IOL placement in absence of capsular support

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. — In a presentation from Kiawah Eye, Brandon D. Ayres, MD, uses surgical footage to discuss intrascleral haptic fixation to place an IOL without capsular support.

July 21, 2023
4 min read

Piggyback IOL may be ideal for postoperative residual hyperopia

Piggyback IOL may be ideal for postoperative residual hyperopia

Our IOL power estimation is reasonably accurate, with most modern formulas being able to deliver about 80% of patients to within 0.5 D of the intended target.

July 14, 2023
8 min watch

VIDEO: Belt loop technique for in-the-bag IOL fixation a viable option

VIDEO: Belt loop technique for in-the-bag IOL fixation a viable option

KIAWAH ISLAND, S.C. — In a presentation at Kiawah Eye, Cathleen M. McCabe, MD, uses surgical footage to share pearls for the belt loop technique for correcting IOL dislocation with a polypropylene suture.

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