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February 17, 2023
9 min watch

VIDEO: Costly treatments, lack of insurance hinder care for IBD patients in South Asia

VIDEO: Costly treatments, lack of insurance hinder care for IBD patients in South Asia

In this Healio video exclusive, Neilanjan Nandi, MD, FACP, discusses the financial burden for patients with inflammatory bowel disease in South Asia, fueled by costly diagnostics and treatments and lack of health insurance.

January 31, 2023
1 min read

ACR urges CMS to revise policy excluding copay assistance from counting toward deductible

ACR urges CMS to revise policy excluding copay assistance from counting toward deductible

The American College of Rheumatology is urging CMS to reconsider its current policy of allowing insurers to exclude copay assistance programs from counting toward a patient’s deductible, according to a press release.

January 19, 2023
5 min read

Five key factors for success when using permanent life insurance

Five key factors for success when using permanent life insurance

In other articles for Orthopedics Today referenced at the end of this article, we explained that permanent life insurance, also called cash value life insurance, has tremendous tax, wealth accumulation, asset protection and estate planning benefits.

January 03, 2023
5 min read

Five key factors for success when using permanent life insurance

Five key factors for success when using permanent life insurance

In other articles for Residency for Retirement, we have explained that permanent life insurance, also called cash value life insurance, has tremendous tax, wealth accumulation, asset protection and estate planning benefits.

December 15, 2022
2 min read

Commercial insurance rates for breast reconstruction vary greatly across US

Commercial insurance rates for breast reconstruction vary greatly across US

The commercial insurance costs for breast reconstruction vary greatly across the United States, with less competitive markets and large, for-profit and nonsafety-net hospitals seeing the highest rates.

December 09, 2022
2 min read

Survey: 20% of women with high deductible would forgo testing after abnormal mammogram

Survey: 20% of women with high deductible would forgo testing after abnormal mammogram

One in five women with high-deductible health insurance plans who had an abnormal screening mammogram would opt out of follow-up testing, according to survey results presented at the Radiological Society of North America annual meeting.

November 17, 2022
4 min read

Are riders of or companies who supply e-scooters liable in the event of a crash?

Are riders of or companies who supply e-scooters liable in the event of a crash?

The increasing number of scooters and other devices on our streets (hoverboards, electric skateboards, you name it) raise various issues in the personal injury world.

November 15, 2022
2 min read

Racial disparities persist in fertility treatment success despite insurance mandates

Racial disparities persist in fertility treatment success despite insurance mandates

Despite state insurance mandates, racial and ethnic disparities in the use of IVF and its clinical outcomes remain, researchers reported.

October 13, 2022
5 min read

Cost of not having long-term care insurance can outweigh cost of having it, not needing it

Cost of not having long-term care insurance can outweigh cost of having it, not needing it

Like their patients, physicians often become more concerned about long-term care coverage as they age.

July 15, 2022
4 min read

Epinephrine autoinjector costs remain high for some patients with private insurance

Epinephrine autoinjector costs remain high for some patients with private insurance

The costs of epinephrine autoinjectors have decreased since generic options arrived in 2016, but these costs remained high for some patients due to their insurance plans, according to a study.

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