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May 19, 2020
2 min read

Flu vaccination in patients with diabetes reduces hospitalization risk

Flu vaccination in patients with diabetes reduces hospitalization risk

Influenza vaccination of patients with diabetes decreased the risk for influenza-related hospitalization by 46%, according to a study examining six influenza seasons in Spain.

May 10, 2020
1 min read

Flu diagnosis, vaccination curbs unnecessary antibiotic use

Accurate influenza diagnosis and vaccination could curtail unnecessary antibiotic use and help reduce the global threat of antibiotic resistance, according to findings in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

May 10, 2020
1 min read

Flu diagnosis, vaccination curbs unnecessary antibiotic use

Accurate influenza diagnosis and vaccination could curtail unnecessary antibiotic use and help reduce the global threat of antibiotic resistance, according to findings in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

May 09, 2020
2 min read

Hospitalization costs for RSV similar to influenza costs in older adults

Older adults hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus face costs that are similar to those of older adults hospitalized with influenza, according to findings published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

May 05, 2020
2 min read

Lower indoor humidity increases risk for acute respiratory illness

Lower indoor humidity increases risk for acute respiratory illness

Lower levels of indoor absolute humidity correlated with an increased risk for acute respiratory illness, or ARI, among community-dwelling older adults in Hong Kong during the cold season, according to a study published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases.

May 03, 2020
2 min read

Vaccination provides similar protection against hospital-associated influenza, milder outpatient illness

Vaccination provides similar protection against hospital-associated influenza, milder outpatient illness

Influenza vaccination demonstrated similar protection against hospital-associated influenza and milder, outpatient instances of the illness over three influenza seasons, according to findings published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

May 01, 2020
6 min read

US regions start reopening despite limited COVID-19 testing capacity

US regions start reopening despite limited COVID-19 testing capacity

In recent weeks, state and local governments across the United States have begun making plans to reopen their economies after weeks of social distancing and stay-at-home orders to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

April 17, 2020
2 min read

Coinfections may be more common in COVID-19 than previously reported

Coinfections may be more common in COVID-19 than previously reported

The rate of coinfection with other respiratory pathogens in patients with COVID-19 may be higher than previously thought, according to a research letter published in JAMA.

March 27, 2020
1 min read

FDA accepts Genentech’s drug applications for Xofluza in children

The FDA has accepted a new drug application and two new supplemental drug applications for the influenza antiviral Xofluza, all involving children, Genentech announced.

March 24, 2020
7 min read

‘Bending the curve’: A pulmonologist’s perspective on COVID-19

‘Bending the curve’: A pulmonologist’s perspective on COVID-19

On March 11, WHO officially designated the current COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. As the disease spread worldwide, physicians in the United States began bracing themselves for when it would inevitably land in North America.

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