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September 09, 2020
1 min read

Pediatric COVID-19 cases surpass half-million

Pediatric COVID-19 cases surpass half-million

The AAP announced that a total of 513,415 pediatric cases of COVID-19 have been reported, according to an analysis of state-level data.

September 01, 2020
1 min read

Top in ID: Convalescent plasma, COVID-19 vs. 1918 flu pandemic

Top in ID: Convalescent plasma, COVID-19 vs. 1918 flu pandemic

The FDA has authorized emergency use of convalescent plasma as a therapy for patients hospitalized for COVID-19. It was the top story in infectious disease last week.

August 31, 2020
8 min read

Girl develops lump in axillary area, fever

Girl develops lump in axillary area, fever

A previously healthy 6-year-old female presents to your clinic for evaluation of a left axillary lump and subjective fever.

August 24, 2020
1 min read

12% of adults hospitalized with flu experience acute CV events

12% of adults hospitalized with flu experience acute CV events

Nearly 12% of adults hospitalized for influenza also had an acute cardiovascular event, data show.

August 21, 2020
2 min read

Influenza home diagnostic kit demonstrates good sensitivity, specificity

Influenza home diagnostic kit demonstrates good sensitivity, specificity

A novel rapid influenza diagnostic test demonstrated beneficial sensitivity and specificity for the detection of influenza A and B with positive user experience and no safety concerns, according to a study.

August 14, 2020
4 min read

COVID-19 and flu season: A ‘daunting prospect’ for hospitals

COVID-19 and flu season: A ‘daunting prospect’ for hospitals

With COVID-19 cases surpassing 5 million in the United States and influenza season approaching, experts are weighing the prospect that hospitals will have to respond to surges of the two respiratory illnesses at the same time.

August 11, 2020
2 min read

Children with birthdays late in the year more likely to receive flu vaccine

Children with birthdays late in the year more likely to receive flu vaccine

Children born in the months of September through December were significantly more likely to receive an influenza vaccination than those with earlier birthdays, researchers reported.

August 07, 2020
2 min read

Insight from 1918 flu pandemic, military ingenuity enabled ‘adapting quickly’ to COVID-19

Insight from 1918 flu pandemic, military ingenuity enabled ‘adapting quickly’ to COVID-19

Lessons learned from the 1918 influenza pandemic and the pioneering use of telehealth in the military have allowed rheumatologists “to adapt quickly” to COVID-19 conditions, according to a panel of presenters.

August 05, 2020
1 min read

Mouthwash ingredients effective against pneumonia pathogens

Mouthwash ingredients effective against pneumonia pathogens

Some active ingredients in mouthwash are effective against pneumonia-causing bacteria, according to the results of an in vitro study presented during ASM Microbe, which is being held virtually.

August 02, 2020
2 min read

Obesity in adults associated with increased susceptibility to influenza A

Obesity in adults associated with increased susceptibility to influenza A

Obesity in adults is associated with an increased risk for influenza A (H1N1) infection, according to a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases. Researchers did not find the same association with H3N2 susceptibility.

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