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Influenza Vaccination

July 24, 2020
2 min read

Flu shots reduce all-cause, CV death for adults with diabetes

Flu shots reduce all-cause, CV death for adults with diabetes

Influenza vaccination was significantly associated with reduced risks for all-cause death, cardiovascular death, and death from acute myocardial infarction or stroke among adults with diabetes, according to an analysis of registry data.

July 21, 2020
1 min read

Should hospitals fire HCWs who refuse to get vaccinated against flu?

Should hospitals fire HCWs who refuse to get vaccinated against flu?

Vaccinating health care workers (HCWs) against influenza is a clinician and patient safety issue, experts said. It protects them and their patients from illness and ensures that facilities are well-staffed during influenza season.

July 21, 2020
10 min read

Flu vaccination ‘a professional and ethical responsibility’ for all HCWs

Flu vaccination ‘a professional and ethical responsibility’ for all HCWs

As a resident, William Schaffner, MD, once showed up to work with influenza and was met by an incredulous look from his chief resident, who promptly sent him home.

March 10, 2020
2 min read

Universal flu vaccine shows promise in phase 2b trial

Universal flu vaccine shows promise in phase 2b trial

A single dose of a universal influenza vaccine, adjuvanted FLU-v, may provide prolonged protection against multiple strains of the influenza virus, according to results of a phase 2b trial published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

March 05, 2020
2 min read

High-dose flu vaccine provides greater protection for older adults

Influenza vaccination over the course of two influenza seasons in the United States demonstrated low to moderate efficacy for the prevention of influenza-related hospitalizations among adults aged 65 years and older, according to findings published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.

March 03, 2020
2 min read

Flu vaccination does not reduce hospitalizations, death in older adults

Flu vaccination does not reduce hospitalizations, death in older adults

Influenza vaccination strategies targeting older adults may not be as effective as previously thought, according to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that found increased vaccination rates did not reduce hospitalizations or mortalities among adults aged 65 years and older.

February 12, 2020
2 min read

AAFP survey: Flu shot uptake among millennials is poor

AAFP survey: Flu shot uptake among millennials is poor

Citing a lack of time and forgetfulness, 55% of millennials did not get the influenza vaccine this year, according to a recent survey of 1,000 adults that was commissioned by the American Academy of Family Physicians.

January 15, 2020
1 min read

FDA grants fast track designation to NanoFlu for influenza vaccination in older adults

The FDA granted fast track designation to NanoFlu for adults 65 years and older.

January 09, 2020
3 min read

Influenza vaccination strategy for pregnant women with HIV still needs improvement

A double-dose influenza vaccine regimen resulted in slightly greater immunogenicity among pregnant women with HIV than a single-dose regimen, although immunogenicity among women who received the double dose was still lower than historical data from women without HIV in the same setting, according to findings published in The Lancet.

December 31, 2019
2 min read

Top primary care stories in 2019: Rethinking red meat, flu shot timing and more

A study that challenged long-standing recommendations regarding red meat consumption was the most popular primary care story in 2019.

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