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Inflammatory Bowel Disease

July 16, 2024
1 min read

Higher adjusted AKI rate with inflammatory bowel disease vs. collagen vascular diseases

Higher adjusted AKI rate with inflammatory bowel disease vs. collagen vascular diseases

The frequency and risk of AKI in patients hospitalized with inflammatory bowel disease is higher compared with admissions with collagen vascular diseases and from the general population, a recently published study shows.

Clinical Guidance
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Presentation and Diagnosis

Early Diagnosis

Muhammad Asim Kahn, MD, FRCP, MACP; Nurullah Akkoç, MD

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

June 24, 2024
2 min read

Hormone replacement therapy improves IBD symptoms in postmenopausal women

Hormone replacement therapy improves IBD symptoms in postmenopausal women

Hormone replacement therapy was associated with improved disease symptoms, measured by the physician global assessment score, in a cohort of postmenopausal women with inflammatory bowel disease, according to data.

June 24, 2024
2 min read

Higher adalimumab concentration linked to complete healing in perianal fistulizing Crohn’s

Higher adalimumab concentration linked to complete healing in perianal fistulizing Crohn’s

An adalimumab concentration threshold of 12.1 µg/mL “may be a target for therapeutic drug monitoring” to achieve complete fistula healing in perianal fistulizing Crohn’s disease, according to research in Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.


Ace the Case: A 21-Year-Old Man With Bloody Diarrhea

Ace the Case: A 21-Year-Old Man With Bloody Diarrhea
0.25 CME
0.25 CNE
$0 FEE
June 14, 2024
6 min watch

VIDEO: Lifetime disruptor ‘just getting started’ in quest to elevate care for IBD patients

VIDEO: Lifetime disruptor ‘just getting started’ in quest to elevate care for IBD patients

Marla C. Dubinsky, MD, winner of the 2023 Healio Lifetime Disruptor Award, was first inspired to “disrupt the space” after witnessing patients with inflammatory bowel disease become frustrated with lack of support and access to care.

June 12, 2024
2 min read

Extensive psoriasis, IBD history predict difficult-to-treat psoriatic arthritis

Extensive psoriasis, IBD history predict difficult-to-treat psoriatic arthritis

Difficult-to-treat psoriatic arthritis was common in a large, real-life cohort, with key risk factors including extensive psoriasis, higher BMI and a history of inflammatory bowel disease, according to data published in Rheumatology.

June 12, 2024
3 min watch

VIDEO: Consensus conference seeks ‘standardization’ of care in pregnant women with IBD

VIDEO: Consensus conference seeks ‘standardization’ of care in pregnant women with IBD

In this video, Uma Mahadevan, MD, director of the Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Center at the University of California, San Francisco, spoke with Healio about a consensus conference on the management of IBD in pregnancy.

June 11, 2024
1 min watch

VIDEO: ‘Big year’ for IL-23 inhibitors in trials for ulcerative colitis

VIDEO: ‘Big year’ for IL-23 inhibitors in trials for ulcerative colitis

In this Healio video, Uma Mahadevan, MD, director of the Colitis and Crohn’s Disease Center at the University of California, San Francisco, discusses new study results assessing the use of interleukin-23 inhibitors in ulcerative colitis.

June 05, 2024
3 min read

‘Promise of lasting efficacy’: Guselkumab outperforms placebo, ustekinumab in Crohn’s

‘Promise of lasting efficacy’: Guselkumab outperforms placebo, ustekinumab in Crohn’s

WASHINGTON — In patients with active Crohn’s disease, guselkumab was superior to both placebo and standard-of-care ustekinumab after 48 weeks of treatment, according to late-breaking data from the phase 3 GALAXI program.

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