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July 11, 2022
2 min read

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine offers stronger protection in immunocompromised patients

Moderna COVID-19 vaccine offers stronger protection in immunocompromised patients

The Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine was more likely to elicit a stronger response in patients with varying degrees of immunosuppression than the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to data published in JAMA Network Open.

June 07, 2022
2 min read

Kidney, heart transplant ‘years ahead of’ LT in development, implementation of biomarkers

Although the development and use of biomarkers in liver transplantation has progressed in recent years, challenges and limitations remain, according to presenters at the American Transplant Congress 2022.

June 02, 2022
1 min read

Memo Therapeutics examines treatment for BK polyomavirus in kidney transplant recipients

Memo Therapeutics AG announced the initiation of a phase 1 clinical study to examine MTX-005 against BK polyomavirus infection among kidney transplant patients.

March 15, 2022
2 min read

Worse COVID-19 outcomes in lupus driven by demographics, untreated disease

Worse COVID-19 outcomes in lupus driven by demographics, untreated disease

Worse COVID-19 outcomes in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus are driven by comorbidities, demographics and untreated or active disease, according to data published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

December 21, 2021
2 min read

Will immunocompromised patients need a COVID-19 vaccine booster every 6 months forever?

Will immunocompromised patients need a COVID-19 vaccine booster every 6 months forever?

At this time, it’s unclear whether immunocompromised individuals will need to be boosted with COVID-19 vaccinations at any interval. We currently lack the robust data needed to inform this decision. What is clear, however, is that the immunocompromised need to be treated differently when it comes to COVID-19 vaccination (as is the case with many vaccinations). It has already been shown that they are clearly less likely to respond to standard vaccination regimens and are overrepresented among those with rare breakthrough hospitalizations. These data led to the recommendation that an additional messenger RNA vaccine dose be given to the immunocompromised, extending the primary vaccine series.

December 06, 2021
2 min read

Rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases more than double risk for COVID-19 death

Rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases more than double risk for COVID-19 death

Patients with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases have a 54% increased risk for COVID-19 infection, and more than twice the risk for COVID-19 death, versus the general population, according to data published in Rheumatology.

November 22, 2021
4 min watch

VIDEO: Immunosuppressives may negate anti-drug antibody development from pegloticase

VIDEO: Immunosuppressives may negate anti-drug antibody development from pegloticase

In this video, Craig A. Shadur, MD, a transplant nephrologist from Des Moines, Iowa, discussed the use of pegloticase for patients with kidney transplants.

November 18, 2021
4 min read

Outpatient COVID-19 management: Do your immunosuppressed patients know who to call?

Outpatient COVID-19 management: Do your immunosuppressed patients know who to call?

First, let me say that I clearly do not know how the pandemic will end, but after considerable and ongoing study of this question, I am convinced it will not magically disappear.

November 09, 2021
2 min read

Steroid-sparing regimens lower risk of diabetes mellitus after transplant in some adults

Steroid-sparing regimens lower risk of diabetes mellitus after transplant in some adults

Steroid avoidance can lower the risk of diabetes mellitus after transplant in older patients or those who have higher BMIs when paired with appropriate induction regimens, according to data published in Kidney Medicine.

October 19, 2021
13 min read

Vaccinated yet vulnerable: COVID-19 and the immunocompromised patient

Vaccinated yet vulnerable: COVID-19 and the immunocompromised patient

Nothing is easy in the management of COVID-19. Similarly, nothing is easy in managing immunocompromised patients. Marry the two and the challenges more than double.

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