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November 09, 2020
2 min read

Rate of hypothyroidism higher in adults after schizophrenia diagnosis

Rate of hypothyroidism higher in adults after schizophrenia diagnosis

A cohort of adults with schizophrenia in Israel had a higher rate of hypothyroidism after diagnosis than controls without schizophrenia, although no difference was found before diagnosis between the two groups, according to study data.

October 07, 2020
1 min read

Acella recalls some levothyroxine tablets due to subpotency

Acella Pharmaceuticals is voluntarily recalling one lot of 15 mg and one lot of 120 mg levothyroxine and liothyronine tablets due to subpotency, according to an FDA announcement.

July 21, 2020
3 min read

Levothyroxine fails to improve LV function in subclinical hypothyroidism, acute MI

Levothyroxine fails to improve LV function in subclinical hypothyroidism, acute MI

Among patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and acute MI, treatment with levothyroxine demonstrated no significant improvement in left ventricular function compared with placebo, researchers reported.

June 04, 2020
3 min read

TSH variations in pregnancy could prompt erroneous subclinical thyroid disease diagnosis

TSH variations in pregnancy could prompt erroneous subclinical thyroid disease diagnosis

Physiologic variations in thyroid-stimulating hormone concentrations may lead to a misclassification of subclinical thyroid disease for some healthy pregnant women, possibly subjecting women to unnecessary treatment, researchers report.

June 03, 2020
1 min read

Top in endocrinology: Diabetes and COVID-19, hypothyroidism, postmenopausal osteoporosis

Top in endocrinology: Diabetes and COVID-19, hypothyroidism, postmenopausal osteoporosis

Results of a large study showed that 10% of patients with diabetes who were hospitalized with COVID-19 died and 20.3% required intubation within 7 days of admission. It was the top story story in endocrinology last week.

June 02, 2020
2 min read

Top endocrinology news in May: COVID-19, weight loss strategies, work hours and thyroid

In May, Healio readers were interested in sex hormones being investigated for treating COVID-19, greater COVID-19 complications for patients with diabetes and obesity, associations between thyroid dysfunction and working hours, and more.

May 28, 2020
2 min read

More hypothyroidism seen among adults with longer workweeks

More hypothyroidism seen among adults with longer workweeks

Hypothyroidism was more than 2.5 times more prevalent among Korean adults who worked between 53 and 83 hours per week than those who worked between 36 and 42 hours per week.

March 19, 2020
2 min read

Slow metabolism persists despite levothyroxine therapy in hypothyroidism with obesity

Slow metabolism persists despite levothyroxine therapy in hypothyroidism with obesity

Women with obesity and primary hypothyroidism prescribed levothyroxine continued to have a lower resting energy expenditure, a measurement of whole-body metabolism, when compared with similar women who were euthyroid, according to findings published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism.

March 03, 2020
2 min read

Bedtime vs. breakfast levothyroxine administration may boost free thyroxine level

Bedtime vs. breakfast levothyroxine administration may boost free thyroxine level

Adults with hypothyroidism taking levothyroxine therapy may derive a greater benefit when taking the drug at bedtime vs. before breakfast, according to findings published in Clinical Endocrinology.

February 21, 2020
3 min read

UK NICE guideline favors levothyroxine, radioactive iodine therapy for thyroid disorders

UK NICE guideline favors levothyroxine, radioactive iodine therapy for thyroid disorders

Physicians who treat patients with hypothyroidism should opt for levothyroxine monotherapy in most patients, and when treating patients with Graves’ disease, radioactive iodine is the optimal treatment option, according to a summary of new National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, or NICE, guidelines published in The BMJ.

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