Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Libtayo effective in killing HCC tumors prior to resection
Durvalumab-tremelimumab regimen significantly prolongs survival in advanced liver cancer
FDA grants fast track designation to TCR T-cell therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
Failure to achieve SVR after DAA treatment linked to HCC
Examining risk for HCC after HCV
Rates of HCC rising in Black patients without cirrhosis
10 recent reports from The Liver Meeting Digital Experience
FDA grants orphan drug status to rivoceranib for hepatocellular carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma: Hope on the horizon

This month’s cover story highlights the growing burden of hepatocellular carcinoma, the most common type of primary liver cancer, in the United States. Despite being a cancer that does not typically receive much attention, HCC is projected to become the third leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States by 2040 if current trends continue. Its increasing mortality is related to a growing number of cases in the setting of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, the liver manifestation of the metabolic syndrome, and a high proportion of HCC cases being detected at a late stage. While patients detected at an early stage are amenable to curative therapies such as liver transplantation and have a median survival exceeding 5 years, those diagnosed at a late stage traditionally have had limited therapeutic options and a median survival of only 1 year.