Hepatitis Delta Virus
‘Change the HDV narrative’: A call to heighten awareness, prioritize early detection
VIDEO: Without universal screening, ‘tiny’ hepatitis D could ‘wreak havoc’ globally
VIDEO: Bulevirtide plus PEG-IFN a-2a potentially ‘viable finite therapy’ for chronic HDV
FDA 2022 Rewind: GI drug pipeline rattles as FDA delivers 7 new drugs, 1 costly rejection
Q&A: Expert discusses current state of hepatitis D, challenges in elimination efforts

Healio spoke with Meg Doherty, MD, MPH, PhD, Director Global HIV, Hepatitis and STI Programmes at WHO, about elimination efforts for hepatitis D, including how hepatitis D would be affected by WHO Global Hepatitis Elimination goals and what U.S. physician can do to help work towards hepatitis elimination.
Q&A: Hepatitis D screening, prevention in primary care

Healio spoke with John D. Scott, MD, MSc, FIDSA, chief digital health officer at UW Medicine, professor of allergy and infectious diseases at University of Washington and medical director at the Liver Clinic at Harborview Medical Center, to learn more about what PCPs can do to help prevent and screen for HDV.