Hepatitis D Virus
Hepatitis B Foundation names Baruch S. Blumberg Prize winner
Top in GI: FDA rejects bulevirtide; risks of prophylactic endotracheal intubation
FDA rejects Gilead’s bulevirtide for hepatitis D, compensated liver disease
COVID-19 impacts HDV screening, patient outcomes
Q&A: Hepatitis D screening, prevention in primary care
Healio spoke with John D. Scott, MD, MSc, FIDSA, chief digital health officer at UW Medicine, professor of allergy and infectious diseases at University of Washington and medical director at the Liver Clinic at Harborview Medical Center, to learn more about what PCPs can do to help prevent and screen for HDV.
‘We should be screening now’ for HDV with emerging drug therapies in phase 3
Large proportion of undiagnosed anti-HDV positive individuals due to lack of testing
Hepatitis D coinfection found in ‘household clusters’ in Cameroon
HDV has higher health care, cost burden than HBV
REP2139 demonstrates functional cure in both HBV, HDV
Results from the REP 301 and REP 401 studies showed combination therapy with REP2139 and pegylated interferon led to high rates of hepatitis B seroconversion in patients coinfected with hepatitis B and hepatitis D with more than half of treated patients also achieving functional cure of hepatitis D, according to data presented at HEP DART 2019.