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Gout Use Urate-Lowering Therapy

Clinical Guidance
Assessment and Treatment

Pharmacologic Urate-Lowering Therapy

Robert Terkeltaub, MD; N. Lawrence Edwards, MD, MACP, MACR; Puja Khanna, MD, MPH

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

Clinical Guidance
Presentation and Diagnosis

Clinical Features and Natural Course

Robert Terkeltaub, MD; N. Lawrence Edwards, MD, MACP, MACR; Puja Khanna, MD, MPH

Free clinical reference tool that includes treatment options; diagnosis information; guidelines; and more.

May 11, 2024
2 min read

Purpose of urate-lowering therapy 'needs to be reinforced every time patients come in'

DESTIN, Fla. — Patients with gout should be continually reminded that urate-lowering therapy may go on for the rest of their life, according to a speaker at the Congress of Clinical Rheumatology East annual meeting.

August 24, 2020
2 min read

Treat-to-target approach significantly reduces urate deposits in gout

Among patients with gout, ultrasound scoring for crystal deposits demonstrates that treat-to-target with urate-lowering therapy results in significant reductions in all depositions, according to data published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

December 16, 2019
13 min read

Failure of Management: Treatment Gaps at the Root of Dismal Gout Care

Experts might use words like “suboptimal” or “insufficient” to describe gout management in the United States. To be fair, many gout specialists and rheumatologists use those exact words. But they also say that gout management in the U.S. is “crummy” or outright “sucks.” They say these things not behind closed doors or at dinner meetings, but from the dais of national and international rheumatology conferences. This suggests that gout management is beyond problematic.