Family Medicine
Hooked on Primary Care with Kathleen N. Mueller, MD, FAAFP
Hooked on Primary Care with Cynthia Chen-Joea, DO, MPH, CPH, FAAFP
Q&A: New AAFP president will focus on 'strengthening our future' in a culture of wellness
Hooked on Primary Care with Jay W. Lee, MD, MPH, FAAFP

After college, I thought I might work for Médecins Sans Frontières one day, so I grew my hair long and moved to rural post-war El Salvador, where I worked for a non-governmental organization supporting local Salvadoran physicians in the field. I was in my early twenties, trained as a wilderness emergency medical technician, and armed with hope. My job was to do whatever needed to be done, including take vital signs, dispense medications, scrub into surgeries, facilitate a potable water project and teach first aid.
Hooked on PC with Gail Guerrero-Tucker, MD, MPH, FAAFP, DABFM
Hooked on Primary Care with Bright Zhou, MD, MS
Q&A: Selecting family medicine residency candidates based on resiliency improves diversity
Hooked on Primary Care with Sarah Sams, MD, FAAFP
Hooked on Primary Care with Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, MPH, MBA, FAAFP

From childhood, I always knew I would go into medicine. My dad was a surgeon and my mom was a nurse. Which specialty, I would not know until I completed medical school and decided I wanted to “save the world” on a global scale. So, I had to research and find out which specialty would allow me to see any patient, anywhere, anytime. Family Medicine was it.