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Eye Drop

February 01, 2021
3 min read

Drip drop, tick tock: Are presbyopia drops turning back the clock?

Drip drop, tick tock: Are presbyopia drops turning back the clock?

Hickory Dickory Dock, a well-known nursery rhyme, is a nonsense poem in which children mimic the sound of a clock chiming at the relevant point in the song, intending to introduce the fundamentals of telling time.

January 06, 2021
1 min read

Ocuphire initiates phase 3 study of Nyxol for night vision disturbances

Patient recruitment and screening are underway in the LYNX-1 phase 3 registration study to investigate the safety and efficacy of Nyxol for night vision disturbances, Ocuphire Pharma announced in a press release.

December 16, 2020
1 min read

Moderate to severe dry eye improves after treatment with PL9643 in phase 2 study

Patients with moderate to severe dry eye disease experienced statistically significant improvement in signs and symptoms after 2 weeks of dosing with PL9643 and at the 12-week visit, Palatin Technologies announced in a press release.

November 28, 2020
6 min watch

VIDEO: Pilocarpine drives improvement in near vision in phase 2 studies

VIDEO: Pilocarpine drives improvement in near vision in phase 2 studies

In this Healio Video Perspective from the virtual AAO annual meeting, Michael R. Robinson, MD, vice president, global therapeutic area head, ophthalmology, AbbVie, breaks down studies investigating presbyopia-treating eye drops.

November 07, 2020
4 min watch

VIDEO: Brimochol shows increased visual acuity in clinical data

VIDEO: Brimochol shows increased visual acuity in clinical data

In this Healio Video Perspective from the virtual Eyecelerator conference, Ben Bergo, president and CEO, Visus Therapeutics, outlines the mechanism and clinical data of Brimochol, the company’s lead presbyopia-correcting eye drop candidate.

November 05, 2020
6 min watch

VIDEO: Presbyopia eye drop improves uncorrected near visual acuity

VIDEO: Presbyopia eye drop improves uncorrected near visual acuity

Results from a phase 2b study of a pilocarpine and oxymetazoline combined topical eye drop for the treatment of presbyopia significantly improved uncorrected near visual acuity.

October 30, 2020
1 min read

Phase 2b trial for Aerie dry eye drop begins

A phase 2b clinical trial of AR-15512 ophthalmic solution for the treatment of dry eye disease has been initiated, according to a press release from Aerie Pharmaceuticals.

October 09, 2019
3 min read

Of the upcoming new approaches, what do you expect to be the best for the treatment of early presbyopia?

Of the upcoming new approaches, what do you expect to be the best for the treatment of early presbyopia?

There is a lot of excitement around the new eye drops for presbyopia, which should hopefully become available in the U.S. in the next 1 to 2 years. The beauty of this pharmacological option is that patients can try the drops and determine how effective they are and how well they tolerate them before committing to long-term use. It is the least invasive and easiest way to reverse the symptoms of presbyopia and reduce the need for reading glasses, with no known long-term downside or risk. Once available, patients will have the option to trial these medications. If not satisfied with the level of improvement in reading vision, or if the side effects are not well tolerated, patients can, of course, elect surgical options to improve their reading vision.

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