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Environmental Exposure

April 01, 2022
2 min read

Top news of March: Symbicort generic, OTC rescue inhalers, long COVID pulmonary symptoms

Top news of March: Symbicort generic, OTC rescue inhalers, long COVID pulmonary symptoms

The Healio Editors compiled the most-read news in pulmonology posted in March.

March 28, 2022
2 min read

Higher-quality diet may reduce wheezing in adolescents with environmental smoke exposure

Higher-quality diet may reduce wheezing in adolescents with environmental smoke exposure

Consumption of a higher-quality diet was associated with lower odds of wheezing among adolescents with substantial environmental tobacco smoke exposure, according to data published in Annals of the American Thoracic Society.

March 21, 2022
1 min read

Home dust allergen exposures common in patients with COPD

Home dust allergen exposures common in patients with COPD

Home dust allergen exposures are common in patients with COPD and exposure is associated with adverse outcomes in those who also have allergen sensitization, researchers reported in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.

March 08, 2022
1 min read

Exposure to diesel exhaust harmful to former smokers with COPD

Exposure to diesel exhaust harmful to former smokers with COPD

Former smokers with COPD may be more susceptible to inflammatory responses to short-term exposure to moderate concentrations of diesel exhaust than former smokers without COPD or healthy never smokers, researchers reported.

February 25, 2022
3 min read

Phenotypes, early-life factors characterize difficult-to-control asthma in urban children

Phenotypes, early-life factors characterize difficult-to-control asthma in urban children

PHOENIX — Certain phenotypes are associated with difficult-to-control asthma in urban children, which may be characterized by specific early-life factors and patterns of nasal epithelial cell gene expression, according to a speaker here.

January 25, 2022
2 min read

Poor indoor air quality, housing linked with respiratory issues in First Nations children

Poor indoor air quality, housing linked with respiratory issues in First Nations children

Poor indoor air quality and housing conditions were associated with respiratory issues in young First Nations children living in Northern Ontario, researchers reported in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.

January 04, 2022
2 min read

Asthma year in review: COVID-19, new drug approvals and more

Asthma year in review: COVID-19, new drug approvals and more

The Healio Editors compiled the most-read asthma news published in 2021.

November 17, 2021
2 min read

Air pollution, proximity to green space impact quality of life for patients with COPD

Air pollution, proximity to green space impact quality of life for patients with COPD

In a new study, higher exposure to traffic-related air pollution and greater living distance from green and blue spaces were associated with poor health-related quality of life for patients with COPD.

October 28, 2021
3 min read

Portable air cleaners may improve respiratory outcomes in former smokers with COPD

Portable air cleaners may improve respiratory outcomes in former smokers with COPD

Portable air cleaners improved respiratory outcomes among former smokers with COPD, with the greatest benefit found in those with greater adherence and those who spent more time indoors, according to results of the CLEAN AIR STUDY.

October 26, 2021
1 min read

Various air pollutants, meteorological factors associated with COPD exacerbations

Various air pollutants, meteorological factors associated with COPD exacerbations

Researchers reported nine air pollutants and meteorological factors are associated with an increase in the incidence of COPD exacerbations, for a lag time of up to 10 days.

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