Emergency Department
Among people at ED for syncope, women have lower mortality, odds of admission vs. men
Visits to primary care drop among commercially insured Americans
Readmission rates for HF, MI decreased after Medicare program implemented

After the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program was announced in 2010 and implemented in 2012, there were decreases in readmissions and increases in observation stays and ED visits 30 days postdischarge in patients previously hospitalized for HF, acute MI or pneumonia, according to a study published in The BMJ.
Default EMR settings improve opioid prescribing practices
Rescheduling hemodialysis treatments for next day linked to hospitalization
Young children visiting ED more, hospitalized less for anaphylaxis
More emergency department visits on dialysis treatment days
ED destination of EMS transport varies by race

The ED to which emergency medical services transport a patient depends on the patient’s race/ethnicity, according to study findings published in JAMA Network Open. For example, black and Hispanic patients were less likely to be transported to the most frequent ED destination for white patients residing in the same zip code, researchers said.