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Dust Mite Allergy

April 18, 2024
3 min read

Quality of life improves with sublingual immunotherapy for patients with allergic rhinitis

Quality of life improves with sublingual immunotherapy for patients with allergic rhinitis

Sublingual immunotherapy tablets improved quality of life for patients with allergic rhinitis with and without conjunctivitis, according to a review published in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice.

February 20, 2024
3 min read

Healthy teen awakens with lesions in early morning hours

Healthy teen awakens with lesions in early morning hours

A healthy, adolescent boy is seen for recurrently awakening with pruritic, urticarial-like lesions between his upper thighs extending to his mid-thorax.

July 19, 2023
2 min read

Cell protein triggers reactions by binding with house dust mite allergens

Cell protein triggers reactions by binding with house dust mite allergens

A cell protein known as LMAN1 plays a role in responses to house dust mite, opening potential avenues for new treatments for these and other allergies, according to a study published in Cell Reports.

June 30, 2023
2 min read

Subcutaneous immunotherapy may have slight protective effect against COVID-19

Subcutaneous immunotherapy may have slight protective effect against COVID-19

Subcutaneous immunotherapy for house dust mite allergy may slightly protect patients against SARS-CoV-2 infection, especially after the dose-escalation phase, according to a letter published in Clinical and Translational Allergy.

March 29, 2023
3 min read

Allergy immunotherapy demonstrates long-term effectiveness in allergic rhinitis

Allergy immunotherapy demonstrates long-term effectiveness in allergic rhinitis

Allergy immunotherapy is effective in achieving long-term results for allergic rhinitis in real-world treatment, according to a study published in The Journal of Allergy Clinical Immunology.

March 17, 2023
2 min read

Early efficacy in subcutaneous immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis predicts later response

Early efficacy in subcutaneous immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis predicts later response

Early efficacy in treatment may predict clinical response to subcutaneous immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis due to house dust mite allergy at 3 years, according to a letter published in Clinical and Translational Allergy.

February 27, 2023
2 min read

Daily kombucha intake may stabilize mast cells

Daily kombucha intake may stabilize mast cells

SAN ANTONIO — Kombucha may play a role in stabilizing mast cells, but it does not act as an antihistamine in treating allergic reactions, according to data presented at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Annual meeting.

January 30, 2023
4 min read

Q&A: Sublingual immunotherapy targets house dust mite allergy in adolescents

Q&A: Sublingual immunotherapy targets house dust mite allergy in adolescents

Adolescents aged 12 to 17 years with allergic rhinitis induced by house dust mites now can take a sublingual immunotherapy tablet approved by the FDA after review of multiple trials in this age group.

January 26, 2023
2 min read

FDA approves Odactra for house dust mite allergy in adolescents

FDA approves Odactra for house dust mite allergy in adolescents

The FDA approved house dust mite allergen extract tablet for sublingual immunotherapy treatment of house dust mite-induced allergic rhinitis in patients aged 12 to 17 years, according to a press release from the manufacturer.

December 01, 2022
2 min read

Top news of November: Asthma and sex, two-drug inhalers, early peanut introduction, more

Top news of November: Asthma and sex, two-drug inhalers, early peanut introduction, more

Healio compiled the most-read news in allergy, asthma and immunology posted in November.

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