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Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery

July 07, 2020
2 min read

Revascularization fails to improve survival in stable ischemic heart disease

Revascularization fails to improve survival in stable ischemic heart disease

In a meta-analysis of 14 randomized trials of patients with stable ischemic heart disease, revascularization did not reduce risk for mortality but did improve certain other outcomes, researchers reported at the virtual PCR e-Course.

June 26, 2020
2 min read

In CABG, most outcomes similar in multiple vs. single arterial grafts

In CABG, most outcomes similar in multiple vs. single arterial grafts

Among patients who underwent CABG, single arterial grafts and multiple arterial grafts were similar for all-cause mortality, CV mortality, MI and major bleeding, researchers reported.

April 24, 2020
2 min read

3D image fusion may help diagnose CAD

3D image fusion may help diagnose CAD

A novel method that incorporates information from cardiac CT and cardiac MRI aided cardiologists in diagnosing CAD, according to a study published in Radiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging.

April 20, 2020
1 min read



Long-term outcomes of PCI with a sirolimus-eluting stent vs. CABG for unprotected left main CAD.

April 09, 2020
2 min read

Myocardial flow reserve may guide successful treatment strategy in ischemic HF

Myocardial flow reserve may guide successful treatment strategy in ischemic HF

Myocardial flow reserve from PET imaging in patients with ischemic HF may identify those with a greater outcome benefit from CABG vs. PCI, according to data presented at the American College of Cardiology Scientific Session.

April 09, 2020
2 min read

In very low LVEF, CABG has lower MACE, mortality rates vs. PCI

In very low LVEF, CABG has lower MACE, mortality rates vs. PCI

Patients with severely reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and CAD who underwent PCI had higher rates of MACE and mortality compared with those who underwent CABG, according to a study published in JAMA Cardiology.

March 30, 2020
3 min read

No difference in cardiac, cerebrovascular events with left main PCI vs. CABG at 10 years: PRECOMBAT

No difference in cardiac, cerebrovascular events with left main PCI vs. CABG at 10 years: PRECOMBAT

Ten-year extended follow-up of the PRECOMBAT trial demonstrates no difference in the incidence of major adverse cardiac or cerebrovascular events regardless of whether patients with unprotected left main CAD were treated with PCI with a first-generation drug-eluting stent or CABG.

February 14, 2020
3 min read

Over 13 years, mortality declined after CABG, but not after PCI

Over 13 years, mortality declined after CABG, but not after PCI

Among patients who underwent PCI or CABG between 2003 and 2016, risk-adjusted mortality decreased in the CABG population but not in the PCI population over time, researchers reported in JAMA Network Open.

December 12, 2019
4 min read

Societies at odds over PCI for left main disease; questions of trial conduct draw response

Societies at odds over PCI for left main disease; questions of trial conduct draw response

The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery has withdrawn its support for the left main disease recommendations of the 2018 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery/European Society of Cardiology Clinical Guidelines for Myocardial Revascularization, but a portion of the association’s explanation has drawn criticism from the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions.

October 14, 2019
2 min read

Quantitative flow ratio predicts outcomes in complex PCI

Quantitative flow ratio predicts outcomes in complex PCI

SAN FRANCISCO — Among patients with three-vessel disease who underwent PCI, achievement of a quantitative flow ratio of at least 0.91 in all treated vessels was associated with improved vessel-related outcomes, according to findings presented at TCT 2019.

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