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Congenital Heart Disease

June 05, 2020
3 min read

Low socioeconomic status may explain more than half of excess risk for MI, CHD death

Low socioeconomic status may explain more than half of excess risk for MI, CHD death

U.S. adults of low socioeconomic status experienced double the incidence of MI and CHD-related deaths than individuals of higher status, but less than half of excess events were attributable to traditional risk factors.

May 21, 2020
2 min read

Oral fluconazole use in pregnant women linked to musculoskeletal malformations in children

Women who used oral fluconazole — a common treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasis — during the first trimester of pregnancy were more likely to give birth to an infant with musculoskeletal malformations, but not oral clefts or conotruncal malformations, which were previously linked to the medication, according to a study published in BMJ.

April 23, 2020
2 min read

Pollution in at-risk communities linked to congenital heart disease in newborns

Pollution in at-risk communities linked to congenital heart disease in newborns

Social deprivation and environmental pollutant exposure are potential risk factors for live-born congenital heart disease in California, indicating that harmful toxins may be prevalent in at-risk communities, researchers reported.

March 23, 2020
5 min read

Tofu, isoflavones may decrease CHD risk

Tofu, isoflavones may decrease CHD risk

Eating higher quantities of tofu and isoflavones lowers the risk for CHD, especially in young women or postmenopausal women who do not use hormones, according to a study published in Circulation.

February 18, 2020
4 min read

Clinical utility of polygenic risk scores for CHD, CAD questioned

Clinical utility of polygenic risk scores for CHD, CAD questioned

Two polygenic risk scores, one for predicting CHD and one for predicting CAD, did not meaningfully improve risk prediction beyond conventional risk factors, according to findings published in JAMA.

February 15, 2020
2 min read

Proximity to specialized centers may predict congenital heart disease mortality

Proximity to specialized centers may predict congenital heart disease mortality

The risk for congenital heart disease-related infant mortality was higher when mothers lived farther from specialized pediatric cardiac centers, according to a research letter published in Circulation.

January 30, 2020
8 min read

Pediatric heart transplantation with high-risk donors may confer similar outcomes to low-risk donors

Pediatric heart transplantation with high-risk donors may confer similar outcomes to low-risk donors

A recent study published in the Annals of Thoracic Surgery found that cardiac allografts from high-risk donors implanted in children resulted in similar posttransplant survival as those from low-risk donors.

January 22, 2020
1 min read

AI outperforms clinicians for predicting pulmonary to systemic flow ratio in congenital heart disease

AI outperforms clinicians for predicting pulmonary to systemic flow ratio in congenital heart disease

Artificial intelligence-based analysis of chest X-rays was able to successfully predict the pulmonary to systemic flow ratio in patients with congenital heart disease with greater efficacy than trained pediatric cardiologists, according to findings published in JAMA Cardiology.

January 21, 2020
2 min read

Morphine confers elevated CV event rate when used with clopidogrel in NSTEACS

Morphine confers elevated CV event rate when used with clopidogrel in NSTEACS

Among patients with non-ST-segment elevation ACS undergoing coronary angiography who were pretreated with clopidogrel, those using morphine had higher ischemic event rates compared with nonusers, according to new data from the EARLY ACS trial.

January 17, 2020
2 min read

Maternal stress over CHD linked to impaired fetal brain development

Maternal stress over CHD linked to impaired fetal brain development

Psychological distress in women carrying fetuses with congenital heart disease, or CHD, is associated with impaired cerebellar and hippocampal development during the second half of gestation, according to results from a study published in JAMA Pediatrics.

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