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Congenital Heart Disease

August 16, 2021
1 min read

Pregnancy correlates with increased long-term cardiac outcomes in congenital heart disease

Among women with congenital heart disease, pregnancy was associated with an increase in adverse long-term cardiac outcomes, according to a retrospective longitudinal cohort study.

April 08, 2021
1 min read

Severity of congenital heart disease tied to maternal, neonatal outcomes

Severity of congenital heart disease tied to maternal, neonatal outcomes

In a meta-analysis, neonatal mortality and maternal and neonatal morbidity rose as the severity of maternal congenital heart disease increased.

April 01, 2021
1 min read

Adults with congenital heart disease may be at elevated risk for complicated COVID-19

Adults with congenital heart disease may be at elevated risk for complicated COVID-19

Patients with adult congenital heart disease who have general risk factors such as age, obesity and multiple comorbidities had elevated risk for complicated COVID-19, according to researchers.

March 26, 2021
1 min read

FDA approves nonsurgical heart valve to treat congenital heart disease

FDA approves nonsurgical heart valve to treat congenital heart disease

The FDA announced it approved a self-expanding nonsurgical heart valve for pediatric and adult patients with a native or surgically repaired right ventricular outflow tract.

February 18, 2021
5 min read

A tribute to Irene Pollin, pioneer in women’s heart health

A tribute to Irene Pollin, pioneer in women’s heart health

In 1952, Irene Pollin’s firstborn son, Kenneth, died of congenital heart disease at age 15 months. More than a decade later, her daughter, Linda, succumbed to the same inherited condition at age 16 years

February 16, 2021
2 min read

AAP, Bright Futures update recommendations for preventive pediatric care

AAP, Bright Futures update recommendations for preventive pediatric care

The AAP and Bright Futures made updates to their recommendations for preventive pediatric care, adding screenings for adolescent and maternal depression, prepubertal cholesterol and HIV, among others.

January 11, 2021
1 min read

Top in cardiology: Dual vaping/cigarette use, COVID-19 hospitalization

Top in cardiology: Dual vaping/cigarette use, COVID-19 hospitalization

Dual vaping and traditional cigarette use induced responses that are similar to stresses caused by traditional cigarette use, nationally representative data showed. It was the top story in cardiology last week.

January 09, 2021
1 min read

Financial hardship common among families of children with congenital heart disease

Financial hardship common among families of children with congenital heart disease

Financial hardship, food insecurities and delays in care due to medical costs are common among families of children with congenital heart disease, researchers reported.

January 05, 2021
2 min read

Children with congenital heart disease likelier to have anxiety, depression, ADHD

Children with congenital heart disease likelier to have anxiety, depression, ADHD

Children with congenital heart disease are significantly more likely to have anxiety, depression or ADHD, according to data from a Texas hospital.

October 12, 2020
2 min read

Fetal tele-echocardiography may be appropriate during pandemic

Fetal tele-echocardiography may be appropriate during pandemic

Fetal echocardiograms for low-risk pregnancies have been reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, which may bring about a need for fetal tele-echocardiography, according to a review published in Progress in Pediatric Cardiology.

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