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September 22, 2023
2 min read

Reaction time, decision-making altered in adolescent drivers with concussion

Reaction time, decision-making altered in adolescent drivers with concussion

PHILADELPHIA — Adolescents who sustained a concussion registered altered reaction time and decision-making when asked to execute basic maneuvers during a distracted driving simulation compared to those without, according to a presenter.

September 14, 2023
2 min read

Hypertension linked to longer concussion recovery, post-concussion syndrome

Hypertension linked to longer concussion recovery, post-concussion syndrome

PHILADELPHIA — A hypertension diagnosis in those who suffered a concussion was linked to longer recovery periods compared to those without, and was associated with likelihood of post-concussion syndrome, according to a poster presentation.

August 18, 2023
3 min read

BLOG: Chronic inflammation may delay concussion recovery

BLOG: Chronic inflammation may delay concussion recovery

We know patients’ medical histories affect their recovery from concussion in all sorts of ways. For example, people who have depression or migraine prior to a head injury are more likely to suffer from persistent post-concussion syndrome.

July 20, 2023
1 min read

Dentist-fitted mouthguards may help prevent severe concussions in college football players

Dentist-fitted mouthguards may help prevent severe concussions in college football players

WASHINGTON — Results presented here showed that college football players who wore dentist-fitted mouthguards had a lower incidence of severe concussions and faster return to sport compared with those who wore self-fitted mouthguards.

July 20, 2023
1 min read

Higher risk for upper extremity injury seen in college football players after concussion

Higher risk for upper extremity injury seen in college football players after concussion

WASHINGTON — Among college football players who had concussions, researchers found players’ odds of an upper extremity injury were twice as great in the year after the concussion compared with the pre-concussion year.

July 19, 2023
2 min read

Study: Concussions do not affect children’s IQs

Study: Concussions do not affect children’s IQs

Data from two large studies in Canada and the United States suggest that concussions do not impact the intelligence or IQ scores of children in the months after their injury, according to findings published in Pediatrics.

July 11, 2023
2 min read

Repetitive head injuries, time played linked to CTE severity in football-playing males

Repetitive head injuries, time played linked to CTE severity in football-playing males

In football-playing males, the number and force of repetitive head injuries as well as time playing the sport were linked to severity of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, according to research published in Nature Communications.

June 20, 2023
1 min read

International research group releases consensus statement on concussion in sport

International research group releases consensus statement on concussion in sport

Researchers from the Concussion in Sport Group have released a consensus on sport-specific strategies for concussion prevention and treatment, according to a statement published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

June 20, 2023
7 min watch

VIDEO: Chronic hormonal effects to look for following traumatic brain injury

VIDEO: Chronic hormonal effects to look for following traumatic brain injury

CHICAGO—In this video exclusive, Tamara Wexler, MD, PhD, discusses evaluation and treatment of pituitary hormone deficiencies that can occur after acquired brain injury, from mild to severe concussions.

March 23, 2023
9 min listen

Healio Minute Podcast, Neurology Edition: Top Headlines - Week of March 20, 2023

Healio Minute Podcast, Neurology Edition: Top Headlines - Week of March 20, 2023

In this edition, FDA clears lab blood test for evaluating concussion, marriage linked to lower risk for dementia, FDA approves nasal spray for migraine in adults and more.

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