People with HBV, HIV coinfection at risk for hepatitis D ‘superinfection’
COVID-19, TB coinfection linked to reduced survival
ALLIANCE trial shows positive HIV/HBV coinfection treatment data
HIV, hepatitis C coinfection drives MI risk with increasing age
VIDEO: ‘Critical to test’ for HBV, latent TB coinfection to reduce liver injury
Risk reduction, increased screening for HCV in MSM is cost saving, effective
Patients hospitalized with flu, CAP frequently have bacterial coinfection
Antibiotic use ‘widespread’ among patients with COVID-19; co-infections uncommon
HCV, HIV co-clinic reaches hard-to-treat population
Establishing a co-located hepatitis C virus clinic within an HIV clinic successfully managed co-infected patients — a typically hard-to-treat population — resulting in HCV treatment initiation in 70.5% of participants and an SVR at 12 weeks post-treatment or cure in 56.1% of patients, according to a study.
VIDEO: Coinfection with HIV, HCV impacts access to antiviral treatment
The direct-acting antivirals for hepatitis C virus represent an advance in the treatment of individuals coinfected with hepatitis C virus and HIV, but access to these antivirals can sometimes be a challenge, according to Stacey Trooskin, MD, PhD, assistant professor in the Division of infectious Disease & HIV Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia.