Choroidal Neovascularization
FDA approves expanded label for Izervay
Evaluation of OCT, uveitis history useful during patient selection for GA therapeutics
ARCHER trial shows benefit of ANX007 on vision loss in geographic atrophy
Study examines characteristics of vision loss after subretinal hemorrhage in wet AMD
VIDEO: Managing patients with AMD and concomitant GA requires treatment balance
Early ReGAtta data of GEM103 show safety, tolerability in complement regulation
Patient dosing underway in phase 2 wet AMD trial
Girl presents with bilateral blurry vision, mild headaches

A 7-year-old girl presented to the pediatric ophthalmology clinic complaining of blurry vision in both eyes. She reported that her blurry vision started approximately a year ago and was worse at distance. She denied diplopia and any ocular pain. She has had mild headaches that do not change with position and have not been associated with any intracranial noises. She denied any fevers, chills and night sweats. She was born full-term and had an otherwise unremarkable medical history. She did not have any personal ocular history nor family ocular history.
Anti-VEGF-resistant subretinal fluid may lead to decreased risk for macular atrophy

Persistent subretinal fluid, or SRF, in the course of anti-VEGF treatment may operate as a compensatory mechanism that maintains the function of the degenerating macula and prevents progression to atrophy, according to one presenter at the virtual Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology meeting.
BLOG: Angiogenesis 2020: Noteworthy and notable presentations
The Bascom Palmer Angiogenesis meeting took place on Feb. 8, covering disease pathogenesis and emerging treatment options for various retinal conditions. The presentations highlighted how some of the newest imaging modalities are helping us understand the natural course of disease and new mechanisms of action being evaluated as alternatives to our current treatments. Below is just a mere highlight of many excellent presentations at the meeting.