Cancer Screening
Lung cancer screening key to early detection, curative treatment needed
Cancer screening in scleroderma, dermatomyositis: What to do?

Cancer screening for high-risk patients with scleroderma should involve basic age, sex and risk factor targeted screening, paying particular attention to mammography in women and prostate-specific antigen in men, according to Ami Shah, MD, of John Hopkins University, at the virtual ACR State-of-the-Art Clinical Symposium.
Care coordination increases surveillance colonoscopy for high-risk adenoma
Multicancer blood test feasible for routine clinical care, could guide intervention
Blood test shows promise for predicting cancer, tissue of origin ahead of histologic diagnosis
A cell-free DNA multicancer early detection test demonstrated an ability to predict cancer and the tissue of origin in individuals with clinical suspicion of cancer, according to results of the Circulating Cell-free Genome Atlas study presented at the virtual American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting.
Decision aid helps inform older women of breast cancer screening benefits, harms

Women older than 75 years who were provided with a mammography screening decision aid before visiting their primary care physician were more likely to make more informed screening decisions than those who did not receive the decision aid, according to randomized clinical trial results published in JAMA Internal Medicine.