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Cancer Screening

January 25, 2021
6 min read

Should OTC colorectal cancer screening tests be usual care for young Black individuals?

Should OTC colorectal cancer screening tests be usual care for young Black individuals?

Although colorectal cancer is most commonly diagnosed among those aged older than 50 years, we have seen a decrease in cases diagnosed in that age group due to screening and prevention. Unfortunately, the rates of colorectal cancer among those aged younger than 50 years have been rising in the United States, with an estimated 12% of cases, or about 18,000, diagnosed among this younger population in 2020. Recently, the American Cancer Society and the USPSTF lowered the recommended age to begin screening to 45 years.

January 07, 2021
4 min read

Declines in prostate cancer screening after 2012 USPSTF guidance vary by race, ethnicity

Declines in prostate cancer screening after 2012 USPSTF guidance vary by race, ethnicity

Prostate cancer screening rates appeared to differ among Black, white, Hispanic and Asian/Pacific Islander men following the 2012 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation against routine PSA testing, according to study results.

December 10, 2020
3 min read

More advanced, aggressive breast cancers diagnosed during COVID-19 pandemic

More advanced, aggressive breast cancers diagnosed during COVID-19 pandemic

More patients presented with more advanced-stage and aggressive types of breast cancer during the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic compared with the same period in 2019 across the Kaiser Permanente Northern California health care system.

December 09, 2020
2 min read

Lung cancer screening significantly reduces mortality, meta-analysis shows

Lung cancer screening significantly reduces mortality, meta-analysis shows

Patients who underwent lung cancer screening had a significant reduction in mortality associated with the disease, although it came with a “tradeoff” of likely overdiagnosis, according to a recent meta-analysis.

December 01, 2020
2 min read

Fewer adults follow lung cancer screening guidelines than previously reported

Fewer adults follow lung cancer screening guidelines than previously reported

In a systematic review and meta-analysis, researchers found that the overall pooled lung cancer screening adherence rate among adults was 55%, “much lower” than rates reported in large randomized clinical trials.

November 12, 2020
1 min read

Predictive model may assist patients, providers in decision making for advanced neoplasia

A predictive model for advanced colorectal neoplasia may help increase colorectal cancer screening adherence, according to a study published in Gut.

November 05, 2020
1 min read

Top in hem/onc: Colorectal cancer screening, liver metastases

Top in hem/onc: Colorectal cancer screening, liver metastases

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force released a draft recommendation expanding colorectal cancer screening to adults aged 45 years. It was the top story in hematology/oncology last week.

October 27, 2020
5 min read

USPSTF expands colorectal cancer screening recommendation to include adults aged 45 years

USPSTF expands colorectal cancer screening recommendation to include adults aged 45 years

All adults should begin to get screened for colorectal cancer at age 45 years, according to a draft recommendation by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

October 27, 2020
15 min read

Gynecologic oncologists seek balance as cervical cancer screening guidelines evolve

Gynecologic oncologists seek balance as cervical cancer screening guidelines evolve

Once the leading cause of cancer death among U.S. women, cervical cancer incidence and mortality have decreased substantially over the past 40 years, largely due to screening.

October 19, 2020
2 min read

Current lung cancer screening guidelines miss many young, high-risk, Black smokers

Current lung cancer screening guidelines miss many young, high-risk, Black smokers

A new study that evaluated the applicability of newer individual risk-based prediction models for lung cancer screening highlights a need for new lung cancer screening methods that focus on population demographics and smoking history.

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