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Baylor University

November 13, 2018
2 min read

Bariatric surgery linked to increased mortality risk in cirrhosis

SAN FRANCISCO — Individuals with decompensated cirrhosis who underwent bariatric surgery experienced poorer survival outcomes than those with compensated cirrhosis and individuals who did not undergo this surgery, according to data presented at The Liver Meeting 2018.

April 17, 2018
4 min read

Calcium channel blockers may increase risk for pancreatic cancer

Calcium channel blockers may increase risk for pancreatic cancer

Calcium channel blockers, specifically the short-acting form, appeared associated with increased risk for pancreatic cancer among postmenopausal women, according to a study presented at American Association for Cancer Research Annual Meeting.

April 16, 2018
2 min read

American Association for Cancer Research presents special recognition awards

The American Association for Cancer Research will present special recognition awards to four individuals whose work has made extraordinary contributions to the association’s mission to accelerate the prevention and cure of cancer.

March 16, 2017
2 min read

Dual-therapy canagliflozin, phentermine reduces body weight in adults without diabetes

In adults with overweight or obesity but without diabetes, coadministration of canagliflozin and phentermine conferred greater weight loss at 26 weeks vs. monotherapy with either agent or a placebo, according to findings from a randomized controlled trial.

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