Antibiotic Therapy
No lung benefit with double IV antibiotic strategy for pediatric pulmonary exacerbations
AI predicts presence of Pseudomonas, MRSA in sputum cultures
Stewardship in the pediatrician’s office: Appropriate antibiotic use for UTIs

UTIs account for 1.1 million pediatric office visits annually and are a significant clinical syndrome in childhood. UTI is typically caused by a bacterial pathogen. The infection involves the lower urinary tract (ie, urethritis, cystitis) or the upper urinary tract (ie, pyelonephritis). Prompt treatment of pyelonephritis is important to prevent renal scarring and associated sequela such as hypertension and end-stage renal disease.
Azithromycin confers twofold greater 5-day CV mortality risk vs. amoxicillin
Oral antibiotic regimen for PWID with invasive infections reduces readmission rates

All-cause readmission rates at 90 days among people who inject drugs and left the hospital against medical advice decreased when they were prescribed oral antibiotic therapy — including partial IV therapy and partial oral therapy — compared with patients who were not prescribed any antibiotics, according to findings in Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Most patients with uncomplicated acute appendicitis prefer antibiotic therapy over surgery

Adults with uncomplicated acute appendicitis who were treated with antibiotics and did not need surgery at a later date were as satisfied with their treatment experience as those who went through surgery, according to a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial that appeared in JAMA Surgery.
‘Shorter is better, just enough is best’ for antibiotic therapy in kids

NEW YORK — Physicians historically have relied on arbitrary lengths of antibiotic therapy for a variety of infections in pediatric patients, according to C. Buddy Creech, MD, MPH, associate professor of pediatrics and director of the pediatric infectious disease fellowship program at Vanderbilt University.
A stewardship send-off: Optimizing antimicrobials upon discharge

Much of published antimicrobial stewardship literature has focused on reducing the use of broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy. However, in addition to the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, prolonged antimicrobial use is also associated with the development of antimicrobial resistance. Durations of therapy often are determined upon discharge, and this transition period has not been a focus of many antimicrobial stewardship interventions.