Central third fascia slide technique may restore function in Achilles tendon defects
Adults with kidney failure who receive foot, ankle care have lower chance of amputation
Ankle pain in an active 71-year-old woman
Broström suture tape lateral ankle ligament augmentation allows accelerated rehabilitation
New ankle prosthesis improves patient experience with arthritis
Cheilectomy yielded low revision, pain recurrence rates in patients with hallux rigidus
Osteochondral autologous transplantation found efficacious for Freiberg infraction
VIDEO: Improvements seen with syndesmotic screw removal after ankle fracture fixation
CHICAGO — At the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society Annual Meeting, Judith F. Baumhauer, MD, discussed a study that looked at syndesmotic screw removal after ankle fracture fixation in symptomatic patients. She said symptomatic patients who underwent screw removal after ankle fracture fixation saw improvements in range of motion and pain relief.
VIDEO: High pain catastrophizing scores linked with worse outcomes in foot and ankle patients
CHICAGO — At the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Annual Meeting, Oliver Gagné, MD, and Andrea N. Veljkovic, MD, MPH, FRCSC, spoke about a study that looked at pain catastrophizing scores in complex foot and ankle patients. Investigators said high pain catastrophizing scores lead to worse outcomes in these patients.