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Alcohol Use

September 16, 2024
3 min read

Cannabis, hallucinogen use ‘historically high’ among adults in 2023

Cannabis, hallucinogen use ‘historically high’ among adults in 2023

Among young adults aged 19 to 30 years and early midlife adults aged 35 to 50 years, past-year use of cannabis and hallucinogens remained at “historically high” levels in 2023, according to the Monitoring the Future Panel Study Annual Report.

August 30, 2024
2 min read

Later bedtimes, less sleep in childhood associated with substance use in mid-teens

Later bedtimes, less sleep in childhood associated with substance use in mid-teens

Later bedtime and shorter sleep duration at ages 5 and 9 years were associated with a greater likelihood of children trying alcohol or marijuana by age 15 years, according to study findings published in Annals of Epidemiology.

August 28, 2024
2 min read

Current, prior substance use tied to hot flashes, other bothersome menopause symptoms

Current, prior substance use tied to hot flashes, other bothersome menopause  symptoms

Current and prior heavy alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or opioid use were all independently associated with vasomotor, mood or musculoskeletal symptoms experienced during menopause, researchers reported.

Clinical Guidance

Who Gets Gout?

Robert Terkeltaub, MD; N. Lawrence Edwards, MD, MACP, MACR; Puja Khanna, MD, MPH

Free clinical reference tool that includes overview, treatment options, diagnosis information, treatment guidelines and more.

July 15, 2024
2 min read

Intervention reduces alcohol use for high-risk youths with chronic medical conditions

Intervention reduces alcohol use for high-risk youths with chronic medical conditions

A brief, disease-tailored intervention reduced alcohol use among vulnerable adolescents with chronic medical conditions, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open.

June 02, 2024
2 min read

Early-life stressors, younger puberty predict teen substance use for girls

Early-life stressors, younger puberty predict teen substance use for girls

BOSTON — Girls and boys who experienced stress early in life were more likely than those with lower stress scores to use alcohol, nicotine and cannabis by age 13 years, according to a presenter at ENDO 2024.

April 18, 2024
6 min read

Alcohol Awareness Month: Right time to start ‘shaping youth’s attitudes’ on drinking

Alcohol Awareness Month: Right time to start ‘shaping youth’s attitudes’ on drinking

April is Alcohol Awareness Month, an annual campaign intended to boost awareness of the heavy burden that alcohol misuse places on affected individuals and their families, as well as its adverse impact on their health and society.

March 06, 2024
2 min read

Annual cost of alcohol-associated liver disease projected to reach $66B by 2040

Annual cost of alcohol-associated liver disease projected to reach $66B by 2040

Researchers have estimated that annual costs associated with alcohol-associated liver disease will climb from $31 billion in 2022 to $66 billion in 2040 — a 118% increase — with costs among women accounting for 43% of the total expenditure.

March 06, 2024
2 min read

Nearly 90% of liver transplant center websites still use alcohol-stigmatizing language

Nearly 90% of liver transplant center websites still use alcohol-stigmatizing language

A “vast majority” of liver transplant centers use stigmatizing language, such as “alcoholic” or “alcohol abuse,” when describing patients with alcohol use disorder and alcohol-associated liver disease on their websites, researchers reported.

March 04, 2024
2 min read

Healthy lifestyle behaviors associated with up to 42% lower risk for IBS

Healthy lifestyle behaviors associated with up to 42% lower risk for IBS

Adhering to a higher number of healthy lifestyle behaviors, such as not smoking, staying physically active and getting optimal sleep, was significantly associated with lower incidence of irritable bowel syndrome, according to data in Gut.

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