Reprints, Permissions, and Other Uses
- Request permission to use a text excerpt, image, table, or graph
- Include a link on my Web site to connect to a page at
- Purchase a single electronic or paper copy of an article
- Purchase a single article and distribute it to my company, colleagues, patients, students, etc.
- Post an entire article from on my Web site
- Post an entire SLACK Incorporated journal article, authored by me, in my institutional repository
- Order Healio reprints and other related products
- License the use of material from for a specific use
- Make a different request not listed here
I would like to request permission to use a text excerpt, image, table, or graph.
All SLACK Incorporated publications and products are copyrighted. You may not make copies of any material without prior permission from the Publisher.
If you wish to reprint or copy material from a SLACK Incorporated publication or product, you must submit a formal request for permission. Permission is secured only after you have received a reply from SLACK Incorporated.
Permission requests may be submitted in the following ways:
Use the Copyright Clearance Center’s Republication Service
Click on the link that says “Request Permission” on the page where the content resides and you will be directed to the Copyright Clearance Center’s Republication service.
Or, visit and enter the title that you are requesting permission for in the "Get Permission" search box.
For assistance in placing a permission request, Copyright Clearance Center can be contacted directly at:
Copyright Clearance Center
222 Rosewood Drive
Danvers, MA 01923 USA
Phone: +1-978-750-8400
Fax: +1-978-646-8600
Online Request Form
To submit a request for Books permission, Click here.
To submit a request for Journals, Magazines, or Newspapers permission, Click here.
To submit a request for Books permission, e-mail
To submit a request for Journals, Magazines, or Newspapers permission, e-mail
SLACK Incorporated Permissions
6900 Grove Road
Thorofare, NJ 08086 USA
Please allow 7 to 10 business days for a response.
For more information regarding our Copyright/Permissions policy, please click the following link:
Copyright/Permissions FAQ.
I would like to include a link on my Web site to connect to a page at
You may post a link directly to the homepage or article page of any Web sites owned by SLACK Incorporated. (Example: For OCULAR SURGERY NEWS you may post the link You may not post the article on your Web site; when you post a SLACK article online, you are violating our rights of copyright.
Please note that allowing a link to Healio does not grant permission to include the Healio or SLACK Incorporated logos on your Web site.
Linking to a Healio page does not imply SLACK Incorporated’s affiliation with, sponsorship, or endorsement of your site.
TopI would like to purchase a single electronic or paper copy of an article.
If you would like to purchase an electronic copy of a journal article, please follow these steps:
- Click on the journal article you would like to purchase.
- Underneath the title of the article, there is a small blue box that indicates, “Read full-text article.”
- Choose whether you would like to see the HTML or PDF version of the article, then click the appropriate icon.
- This will bring you to a page with 3 options at the top. Choose “I want to buy an individual article.”
- Click “Purchase Full Text” button.
- This will bring you to your shopping cart, where you will be able to complete your transaction. After payment has been authorized, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the transaction details, as well as a link to the article.
NOTE: Articles may be printed or downloaded for personal, non-commercial use. You are prohibited from copying, displaying, distributing, modifying, publishing, reproducing, storing, transmitting, creating derivative works from, or selling or licensing all or part of any content obtained from this site.
If you would like to purchase a paper copy of an archived article, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-257-8290 or 1-856-848-1000.
I would like to purchase a single article and distribute it to my company, colleagues, patients, students, etc.
SLACK Incorporated offers e-prints of certain material to certain customers for specific uses. Please contact us and provide the following information:
- Title of the article/material, including an exact URL
- Your name and company/institutional affiliation, if any
- Specific use and intended reason for distribution
- Number of electronic copies intended to be distributed
Contact us by:
Click here to e-mail Customer Service.
SLACK Incorporated
6900 Grove Road
Thorofare, NJ 08086 USA
A Customer Service Representative will respond in 72 hours or less. If permissible, a fee will be required. Some uses will not be allowed.
TopI would like to post an entire article from on my Web site.
At this time, we do not permit users to post any full articles on their Web sites; when you post a SLACK article online, you are violating our rights of copyright. You may post a link directly to the homepage or article pages of any Web sites owned by SLACK Incorporated. If you have any questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-257-8290 or 1-856-848-1000.
I would like to post an entire SLACK Incorporated journal article, authored by me, in my institutional repository.
Acceptable uses of SLACK Incorporated journal articles that are not published open access are outlined in the chart below (click to enlarge).
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Articles that are published open access in a SLACK Incorporated journal may be shared at any time as long as the applicable Creative Commons license is observed and remains in place.
TopOrdering Healio Reprints and Other Related Products
Looking to increase awareness for your company, products, or services? Leverage the power of our publication brands, customized to fit your marketing and promotional needs. We are happy to work together to provide professional products to help you get your message out to your audience. Content can be tailored as needed and can be delivered via print or electronic format by our publishing partner, Sheridan.
Products We Offer
Professionally printed reprints can be customized with your company logo, company advertisements, custom covers, full color and more.
Electronic content (ePrints) is versatile and can be customized in the same way as print versions. Our ePrints are user friendly, mobile ready and can be posted to a company website and distributed via email or social media campaigns.
Posters & Plaques
Display your company’s accomplishments and recognition as either a professionally produced poster or wall-mounted plaque. We offer a variety of quantities, sizes and customization options.
Reprint/eprints or Licensing Opportunities, contact:
Sheridan Content Solutions
I would like to license the use of material from for a specific use.
Please contact Jennifer Kilpatrick at if you are interested in licensing the right to include SLACK Incorporated content in your products and services.
In your request, please include the following information:
- Relevant information regarding the content: publication title, article title, author, publication date, etc.
- Your name and company/institutional affiliation, if any
- Specific use and intended reason for licensing this material
I would like to make a different request not listed here.
We would be happy to answer any questions and address any requests you may have for us! Please contact Customer Service in one of the following ways:
Click here to e-mail Customer Service.
SLACK Incorporated
6900 Grove Road
Thorofare, NJ 08086 USA