Live from Women in Ophthalmology
In this episode, hosts Laura Enyedi, MD, and Susan MacDonald, MD, sit down and chat with guests Carey Powers, Ali Salo and Tiffany Haynes, to discuss women in leadership, live from the Women in Ophthalmology meeting.

- Welcome to another episode of Mend the Gap :01
- Live from Women in Ophthalmology :11
- Introductions :15
- Learning from women leaders at WiO 2:56
- Leadership lessons from “Raise Your Play” session 3:26
- Discussion of “Leave Mean Girls Behind” by Jennifer Cross 5:48
- Miscommunication 8:57
- Men Who Champion Women 10:22
- Being assertive vs. being authentic 14:32
- Finding your strengths and neutralizing weaknesses 15:47
- Women’s influence in the US 18:38
- Thinking back to the women who came before 19:38
- What advice would you give to your younger self based on your experiences? 21:00
- Thank you 24:15
We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments/questions to Follow us on Twitter @Healio_OSN. You can follow Carey Powers on LinkedIn.
Henderson B. WIO Honorary Lecture – A vision for change: Examining the past, advancing the present and shaping the future of gender equality in health care. Presented at: Women in Ophthalmology Summer Symposium; Aug. 24-27, 2023; Marco Island, Florida.
Nijm, Lisa, et al. Keynote session: Raise your play – leadership lessons. Presented at: Women in Ophthalmology Summer Symposium; Aug. 24-27,2023; Marco Island, Florida.
Laura B. Enyedi, MD, is professor of ophthalmology and pediatrics at Duke Eye Center and medical director of South Durham Ophthalmology in North Carolina.
Tiffany Haynes is the vice president of clinical operations at Epion Therapeutics.
Susan MacDonald, MD, is president of Eye Corps and associate clinical professor at Tufts School of Medicine.
Carey Powers is the founder and CEO of Powers & Company and is a host for the Ophthalmology Innovation Source (OIS) Podcast.
Ali Salo is the regional business director, east region, at RxSight Inc.