Passthrough pratfalls
In this episode, Darrell White, MD, discusses Omidria and how and why it’s used in cataract surgery. He also shares his thoughts on the pass-through status of this product and others and where things are headed.
Disclaimer :09
Introduction :20
Financial disclosures :50
What is Omidria, how is it used, and why is it controversial? 1:40
Along came floppy iris syndrome 2:10
The difficulty in predicting when IFIS will occur 5:09
The importance of pupil size in cataract surgery 7:59
Why people are not using Omidria 10:50
What makes Omidria controversial 12:50
Background on the pass-through regulation 13:22
How the price is set and how it is paid for 14:13
A 3-year deadline and use it or lose it funds 18:10
What happens when passthrough ends 20:26
What happened in December 2017? 24:41
The pass-through extension 26:30
Mass confusion over when the 2-year period begins 27:41
Omeros is not the bad actor here 29:47
Congress hasn’t done its job 30:33A decision needs to be made one way or the other 32:13
And about mitomycin C 33:56