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June 24, 2018
35 min listen

Passthrough pratfalls

In this episode, Darrell White, MD, discusses Omidria and how and why it’s used in cataract surgery. He also shares his thoughts on the pass-through status of this product and others and where things are headed.    

Disclaimer :09
Introduction :20
Financial disclosures :50
What is Omidria, how is it used, and why is it controversial? 1:40
Along came floppy iris syndrome 2:10
The difficulty in predicting when IFIS will occur 5:09
The importance of pupil size in cataract surgery 7:59
Why people are not using Omidria 10:50
What makes Omidria controversial 12:50
Background on the pass-through regulation 13:22
How the price is set and how it is paid for 14:13
A 3-year deadline and use it or lose it funds 18:10
What happens when passthrough ends 20:26
What happened in December 2017? 24:41
The pass-through extension 26:30
Mass confusion over when the 2-year period begins 27:41
Omeros is not the bad actor here 29:47
Congress hasn’t done its job 30:33A decision needs to be made one way or the other 32:13
And about mitomycin C 33:56