Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition Current Issue
The following articles appeared in the print edition of Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition.
Table of Contents
- Anti-inflammatory therapy improves signs and symptoms of dry eye Rochelle Nataloni
- AOA settles contact lens antitrust lawsuit
- As risk factors increase, so does dry eye syndrome Rochelle Nataloni
- ASCRS meeting captures surgical industry in transition
- Comanagement restrictions fail in Florida
- Confocal microscopy becoming more useful
- Cyclosporine and androgen therapy are promising dry eye remedies Rochelle Nataloni
- DLK not just an early complication
- Extended-wear contact lens lawsuit resumes
- Gender and androgen imbalances are keys to dry eye Rochelle Nataloni
- At Issue: Contact lenses and dry eye
- Industry news in brief
- Intracorneal lenses pursued for myopia and hyperopia Bob Kronemyer
- Mergers, Acquisitions, etc.
- Refractive surgery survey finds broad variations
- Sir Harold Ridley, 94, dies
- Surgeons await IOLs, tools for microincision surgery Michael Piechocki
- Variety of approaches used in treating complications of vasoproliferative tumors Michela Cimberle
- Vistakon agrees to settle daily disposable contact lens suit
- With takeover attempt behind it, Visx looks to its future