Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition Current Issue

The following articles appeared in the print edition of Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition.
Table of Contents
- Demographics and demand spur innovation in ophthalmology
- AAO prepares to meet stage 3 meaningful use criteria for EHRs
- Do not destroy refractive records — give copy to the patient
- Educational project in Prague aims at improving health care in Eastern Europe
- Ethical challenges and education
- Eyes with uveitic macular edema, significant epiretinal membrane likely to fail medical therapy
- New contrast sensitivity test may be reliable in detecting glaucoma
- Novel intraoperative SD-OCT device improves surgical accuracy
- Ophthalmic Premier League Symposium offers friendly competition among surgeons
- Outcomes positive 7 years after keratoprosthesis implantation
- Periocular corticosteroid injections treat uveitis in most patients
- Suction-based levitation of dislocated IOL prevents contact with retina
- Systemic beta-blockers, nitrates may be independently linked with lower IOP
- Eight pearls when hiring a new ophthalmologist John B. Pinto
- Glued IOL implantation can be combined with silicone oil removal in complicated eyes Dhivya Ashok Kumar, MD, FRCS, FICO, FAICO; Amar Agarwal, MS, FRCS, FRCOphth
- Woman referred for progressive blurred vision, difficulty with night driving Jay S. Duker, MD; Bradley A. Hansen, MD
- Add-on sulcus-fixated multifocal IOL, conventional multifocal offer similar outcomes
- Corrective surgery beneficial for adult strabismus patients
- DALK after treatment of keratoconus-associated hydrops improves visual acuity
- HOAs, back-scattered light remain high 6 months after DMEK for Fuchs' dystrophy
- Intraoperative OCT may impact decision-making during vitreomacular traction surgery
- Intrastromal ring improves distance vision, refractive error in eyes with post-LASIK ectasia
- LASIK outcomes not significantly affected by seasonality
- Matrix metalloproteinase-9 test enables reliable dry eye diagnosis
- OCT-guided postoperative posturing protocol improves macular hole closure rate
- Propranolol treatment of hemangiomas produces positive results in infants
- Sclerotomy maintenance with 20-gauge cannula may prevent postoperative hypotony, need for suture
- Subjective estimation of ILM peeling surface without dye improves with experience
- Careful planning can still lead to great opportunities in ophthalmology Richard L. Lindstrom, MD
- Advantages observed with combined OVDs, trypan blue in manual capsulorrhexis
- Anterior corneal aberrations cause suboptimal visual results after DMEK
- Calcification in hydrophilic acrylic IOLs seen after intracameral injections of gas
- Carl Zeiss introduces aspheric monofocal IOL at ESCRS Congress
- Centervue to launch two new products at ESCRS Congress
- Clinical exam first step in dry eye diagnosis
- Combined phaco, CLASS procedure reduces IOP in patients with open-angle glaucoma
- Dermatological ointment used for refractory allergic eye disease
- ESCRS preliminary data: No difference in femto, phaco quality outcomes
- ESCRS president targets education as focus of term
- Femtosecond laser used to correct naturally occurring astigmatism
- Inflammation may link chronic ocular discomfort, mental health disorders
- Lentis LaserLens could improve predictability, precision in femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery
- New Trends in Ophthalmology symposium highlights lens technology developments
- Positive early results of extended-range IOL reported
- Quantel earns CE mark for Vitra PDT platform
- Ridley Medal Lecture highlights progress in cataract surgery over four decades
- Robust market predicted for dry eye products
- Single IOL may be option in some small, highly hyperopic eyes
- Multiple medical options available for dry eye
- Clinical findings and management of neurotrophic keratopathy Ladan Espandar, MD, MS
- Large bore phaco tip, femto laser lens fragmentation reduce effective phaco time Subba R. Gollamudi, MD
- Proper balancing act required for a premier surgeon Mitchell A. Jackson, MD