Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition Current Issue

The following articles appeared in the print edition of Ocular Surgery News U.S. Edition.
Table of Contents
- Business education gives a boost to clinical practice
- Back calculation helps identify causes of residual astigmatism
- Benefits seen with microincision cataract vitrectomy
- Link between vancomycin and HORV illuminated
- Multi-imaging distinguishes choroidal neovascularization types
- ‘New era’ of presbyopic IOLs brings reduced glare, better vision
- Pharmaceutical executives meet with Trump to discuss affordability, accessibility of prescription drugs
- Preloaded tissue for DSEK saves time, reduces stress
- Study: Lower-diopter toric IOLs produce good visual acuity results
- Two surgical methods effective for late in-the-bag IOL dislocation
- Give me that old time religion John B. Pinto
- Quintet of techniques optimizes glued IOL surgery Amar Agarwal, MS, FRCS, FRCOphth; Priya Narang, MS
- Middle-age man experiences unilateral sudden-onset vision loss Lauren Bierman, MD; Lana M. Rifkin, MD
- More on physicians and antitrust laws
- Ambient air pollution associated with central retinal artery occlusion
- Annual ophthalmologic exams can better detect optic gliomas in pediatric patients
- Female ophthalmologists submit fewer Medicare charges than male counterparts
- Increased UVB exposure associated with decreased myopia
- Patients with viral hepatitis may be at increased risk of uveitis
- Primary posterior continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis associated with few complications
- Study: Conjunctival tumors in children rarely malignant
- Survey: Screening, treatment for ROP lacking in US
- A few books, a mentor and a clear sense of purpose can help forge a practice’s path to success Richard L. Lindstrom, MD
- Age-dependent curve of predicted keratoconus progression helps select patients for cross-linking treatment
- Good manufacturing pathway needed for FDA to consider new drug approvals
- Industry leaders give hazy outlook for changing political climate
- Meta-analysis finds better profile for femtosecond cataract surgery compared with conventional cataract surgery
- OCT study shows epithelial remodeling, corneal profile changes after inlay implantation
- Two registry studies show reduction in transplantation procedures after introduction of cross-linking
- Venture capitalists look for market, path to reimbursement
- VIDEO: Dealing with refractive error after multifocal IOL implantation
- VIDEO: Epithelium significant in determining astigmatic properties
- Wearable technology in future for glaucoma patients
- Is an MBA necessary for every ophthalmologist?
- When will eye drops stop rolling down our faces? Mitchell A. Jackson, MD