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March 28, 2022
1 min read

FDA approves EVO Visian lens

The FDA approved the EVO/EVO+ Visian implantable Collamer lens for the correction of myopia and myopia with astigmatism, according to a press release from STAAR Surgical.

The EVO lenses are implanted in the posterior chamber, behind the iris and in front of the patient’s natural crystalline lens. A preoperative peripheral iridotomy, which was required with earlier versions of the Visian ICL, is not needed with the EVO.

Source: Adobe Stock.
Source: Adobe Stock

STAAR chief medical officer Scott D. Barnes, MD, said the EVO lens will be an important tool for surgeons who are looking to improve a patient’s quality of life.

“Different from LASIK, the EVO lens is added to the patient’s eye through a relatively quick surgical procedure where there is no removal of corneal tissue,” he said in the release. “Moreover, the EVO lens is removable by a doctor if ever desired. Results from our recent U.S. clinical trial are consistent with the more than 1 million EVO lenses that have already been implanted around the world.”

STAAR expects implantations of the lens to begin in the coming weeks.