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October 15, 2021
1 min read

Postop adjustments with Light Adjustable Lens help achieve refractive target

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NEW YORK — Surgeons should use trusted technology preoperatively and postoperatively to treat patients with astigmatism, according to a speaker here.

“There are many steps to precision when it comes to treating astigmatism, whether it is utilizing multiple technologies preoperatively, precise corneal marking and utilizing technology in the operating room to look at posterior curvature of the cornea,” Deborah G. Ristvedt, DO, said during a prerecorded presentation at OSN New York.

A key consideration when managing astigmatism with an IOL is the angle kappa.

“We look at corneal topography, we look at multiple technologies to make sure everything is adding up correctly, and we consider postoperative healing that can vary,” she said.

The Light Adjustable Lens (RxSight) should be a consideration for patients who do not want halos or glare and favor distance vision, Ristvedt said.

One of Ristvedt’s patients was happy with distance vision postoperatively but could not see anything up close.

“It’s really hard sometimes to show patients what they are going to see after you treat all that myopia,” Ristvedt said.

With postoperative adjustments, Ristvedt was able to get the patient’s vision to 20/20 at distance and 20/20– at near with blended monovision.

“This has given me more confidence knowing that I am going to hit the target refractive outcome. I can treat a moderate amount of astigmatism by fine-tuning the lens and not the cornea,” Ristvedt said.