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August 24, 2021
1 min read

Trifocal IOL for refractive lens exchange has good results in non-presbyopic hyperopia

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Patients younger than 40 years with non-presbyopic hyperopia had good visual outcomes after refractive lens exchange with trifocal IOL implantation, according to a study published in the Journal of Refractive Surgery.

Mohammad Reza Djodeyre, MD, PhD, told Healio/OSN that surgical correction of high hyperopia in patients younger than 40 years with shallow anterior chambers can be difficult.

“Neither laser corneal correction nor phakic intraocular lens can be applied in these eyes,” he said. “In such cases, refractive lens exchange remains the only surgical option and could benefit the eye in terms of a reduced risk of angle-closure glaucoma.”

In the retrospective study, 133 patients underwent bilateral refractive lens exchange with a diffractive trifocal FineVision Micro F lens (PhysIOL) for hyperopia. Patients were matched with control subjects older than 50 years and evaluated for safety, efficacy, predictability, patient satisfaction and spectacle independence.

After a mean of 8.83 months, the safety index, efficacy index and predictability within 1 D in the study subjects were 1.02%, 0.98% and 99.62%, respectively. There was no significant difference compared with the control group.

Posterior capsule opacification, the only postoperative complication, occurred in 7.89% of eyes, which was also similar to the control group. Investigators did not record any intraoperative complications.

Additionally, 97% of patients reported that they were satisfied, and all patients reported that they did not use spectacles for distance, intermediate or near vision.

“With the results of this study in mind, the decision to perform refractive lens exchange for high hyperopia in young patients with a shallow anterior chamber may depend on criteria such as surgeon preference or patient-specific factors rather than on loss of accommodation,” Djodeyre said. “The risks of sight-threatening complications inherent in any intraocular procedure highlight the importance of the surgeon’s experience and appropriate patient selection.”