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February 23, 2021
1 min read

Journal of Refractive Surgery to launch online case reports journal

The Journal of Refractive Surgery is going to launch an online quarterly open-access, peer-reviewed journal of high-quality case reports involving refractive and lens-based procedures.

The Journal of Refractive Surgery Case Reports, a companion title to the Journal of Refractive Surgery, will begin publishing case reports online in April.

“It’s been a source of dissatisfaction for me in the past several years because as our submissions have grown in JRS, we’ve had less space for case reports. Yet, I really enjoy reading case reports, and particularly when you’re doing something new or something that hasn’t been done, case reports can be your best source for information,” Journal of Refractive Surgery Chief Medical Editor J. Bradley Randleman, MD, told Healio/OSN.

J. Bradley Randleman

The journal will explore and publish individual patient cases describing compelling surgical techniques and unique diagnostic dilemmas. Case reports will be submitted directly to the new journal separate from the Journal of Refractive Surgery.

As submissions to the Journal of Refractive Surgery grew, priority was given to larger and patient-based studies with longer follow-up. Room for individual case reports dwindled, reserved for only the most immediately impactful reports, Randleman said.

“Oftentimes, the most innovative work is ultimately something that starts with a single case. We wanted to have a mechanism for people to be able to get this information into the literature if they have something they’re doing that’s innovative, a new technique or finding, or have a new management strategy for complications. These are things that really lend themselves well to a case report,” he said.

The online presence will allow for more flexibility without being bound to a specific page count or size, Randleman said. Case reports will have a permanent place in the new journal, providing authors with better exposure and readers benefiting from the findings, he said.

“I’m very excited to be able to bring this to our readers and to be able to publish so many more of the things we haven’t been able to at JRS. I’m very excited for this launch. We’ve been developing this for a few years, and I’m very excited for this to finally happen,” Randleman said.