Ray tracing AI platform may offer better myopic LASIK outcomes
A novel, artificial intelligence-led ray tracing technique may offer better and more predictable outcomes for patients undergoing myopic LASIK, according to a presenter.
“It bears the potential advantage, through total eye aberration data and ray tracing refraction calculation, to [offer improved and] more predictable visual outcomes,” A. John Kanellopoulos, MD, said at the virtual American Academy of Ophthalmology annual meeting.
In a consecutive case series, investigators evaluated 50 eyes undergoing femtosecond laser-assisted myopic LASIK using the InnovEyes ray tracing algorithm to calculate an ablation profile based on a model eye developed from interferometry axial length data, Kanellopoulos said.

The ideal corneal front surface can be calculated based on an individualized three-dimensional eye model derived from topography, wavefront and biometric measurements, according to the presentation.
First, a model eye is created using measurements of all anatomical refractive surfaces in the line-of-sight. Corneal tomography measurements are then used to calculate propagation of 2,000 light rays through the anterior chamber and on to the anterior lens surface. The wavefront data is then used to calculate the travel of each ray of light in a retrograde fashion. Finally, tilt is calculated by the Scheimpflug tomography images and the incidence of rays projected onto the anterior surface of the cornea.
Three-month data show "remarkable” outcomes for patients with refractive error as large as 8 D, Kanellopoulos said.
More than half of treated eyes, 65%, gained one line of vision when comparing best corrected visual acuity before surgery with uncorrected visual acuity after the procedure, and 38% percent of eyes gained two lines of vision, Kanellopoulos said.