January 04, 2021
1 min read
VJCRGS.com: Latest video-based journal pays tribute to Alan S. Crandall, MD
The latest issue of Video Journal of Cataract, Refractive and Glaucoma Surgery, whose mission is to advance the knowledge and surgical training of eye surgeons through video-based education, is now online.
The final issue of 2020 includes a tribute to the late Alan S. Crandall, MD.
The table of contents for Volume 36, Issue 4, titled “Guardian of the Lens!” follows:
- A Tribute to Alan Crandall, MD, Robert Osher, Ike Ahmed, Bob Cionni, David Chang
- Guardian of the Lens! Jeb Alen Ong, Canada
- Microphthalmos and More, Bruno Ventura, Brazil
- Belt Loop for Dislocated Lens/Bag, Cathleen McCabe, USA
- Argentinian Flag, Juan Irungaray, Argentina
- Management of Cyclodialysis Cleft, Samuel Masket, USA
- Modified Intrascleral Fixation, Gerardo Valvecchia, Argentina
- IOL-Bag Complex Dislocation, Boris Malyugin, Russia
- PupilloNasty!, Steven Safran, USA