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December 12, 2020
1 min read

Endophthalmitis risk, uveitis treatment management top retina coverage

There may be an increased risk for endophthalmitis in patients who wear face masks during intravitreal injections. Check out this news and other recent top retina articles on Healio/OSN.

Face masks on patients may contribute to endophthalmitis risk

Patients wearing face masks during intravitreal injections may be at a higher risk of endophthalmitis. Read more.

Alzheimers disease may be detectable from changes in the foveal avascular zone

Evaluating changes in the foveal avascular zone using OCT angiography to identify Alzheimer’s disease may be a quicker, easier and less invasive diagnostic strategy than traditional methods. Read more.

COVID-19 changes uveitis treatment management

The pandemic has changed the way ophthalmologists treat and manage patients with uveitis, according to a panel discussion at the virtual American Academy of Ophthalmology annual meeting. Read more.

First surgery using Orbit subretinal delivery system to deliver AMD gene therapy performed

The first surgery using the Orbit subretinal delivery system to deliver GT005 to a patient with geographic atrophy secondary to dry age-related macular degeneration has been conducted in the ongoing phase 1/2 FOCUS trial. Read more.

Avacincaptad pegol reduces geographic atrophy growth rate at 18 months

The phase 2/3 GATHER1 trial showed patients with geographic atrophy due to age-related macular degeneration who received avacincaptad pegol experienced a 28% reduction in rate of geographic atrophy growth over 18 months. Read more.