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August 30, 2020
1 min read

Top Healio/OSN cornea articles from August

Healio/OSN published several cornea and external disease articles throughout August. Here are five of the most-read items.

Ophthalmologists need to stay vigilant for ocular manifestations of COVID-19

At the end of March, Wu and colleagues published online in JAMA Ophthalmology the first report on 12 cases of conjunctivitis in 38 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 in China’s Hubei province. Read more.

Common ocular presentation of COVID-19 similar to that of less potent adenovirus

SARS-CoV-2, or COVID-19, has proven to be a formidable challenge worldwide. We are still in the first wave of this pandemic. Both globally and in the United States, we are experiencing a first wave surge of both cases and deaths. Read more.

BLOG: RIP TrueTear: Allergan pulls the plug on electrical stimulation

It was the easiest column I ever wrote. Seriously, it pretty much just wrote itself. Nothing was easier than cracking wise about the new dry eye disease device that worked by stimulating the trigeminal nerve inside the nose. Read more.

Dry eye disease: Algorithms come of age

Not too long ago, patients who complained of dry eye disease symptoms were thought of as difficult or picky. Today, it is a whole new landscape as much work has been done to further our understanding of the etiology and consequences of DED. Read more.

Early management of snake venom ophthalmia leads to fast recovery

Venom ophthalmia is a rare ocular condition caused by exposure of the eye to venom of a spitting cobra. It is the nature of the cobra to spit venom at predators or prey, and humans are accidentally affected. Read more.