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July 14, 2020
1 min read

Schwind ATOS femtosecond laser receives CE approval

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The Schwind ATOS femtosecond laser has received CE approval, according to a press release from Schwind eye-tech-solutions.

The laser allows surgeons to offer SmartSight, Schwind’s lenticular extraction refractive correction procedure that treats myopia and astigmatism up to 5 D.

The system uses intelligent eye tracking for centering the eye on the visual axis. In addition, high-precision flaps are possible for femtosecond LASIK surgery.

“Schwind is continuously working on the goal of providing the eye surgeons and their patients with state-of-the-art, particularly safe and high-precision treatment options based on our latest technologies. With the CE approval for our femtosecond laser, we have reached another milestone,” Rolf Schwind, Schwind managing director, said in the release.