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June 02, 2020
1 min read

Bausch + Lomb launches preloaded IOLs in Europe

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Bausch + Lomb has launched its first extended depth of focus IOL and a new monofocal IOL in Europe.

“LuxSmart and LuxGood feature an innovative premium optic design and [pure refractive optics] technology that reduces dysphotopsia, a common phenomenon that can occur in some premium IOLs and compromise a patient’s vision,” Thomas Appio, president, Bausch + Lomb/International, said in a press release.

Both the LuxSmart, which is the extended depth of focus IOL, and the LuxGood, which is the monofocal, feature a preloaded delivery system. The IOLs are made with a proprietary acrylic hydrophobic cross-linked polymer material with four-point fixation haptics designed to “achieve lens centration, rotational stability, posterior capsule opacification resistance and greater refractive predictability,” the release said.

A toric version is expected to become available later this year.