Generics, part 1: As samples disappear, what will we prescribe?
This is the first in a series of three blogs that will examine the changing climate affecting prescribing patterns for perioperative medications.
As samples disappear, what about those who can't afford medications?
A sea change is happening in ophthalmology as it appears that market leaders in perioperative eye drops have begun limiting samples of the medications that are most commonly used in cataract postop "kits." The perception by many surgeons is that the new policies are based upon concerns by the companies that providing a high volume of samples to physicians could be misconstrued as promoting the off-label use of these products in cataract surgery.
Macro-economically, this is good news because it allows market forces to determine which drops are prescribed rather than brand loyalty. No longer will the company with the highest budget for samples be able to dominate the postoperative kit market. Rather, physicians will choose products based upon perceived efficacy and price.
Micro-economically, we should all be concerned for our low-income patients. Those on fixed incomes sometimes have to choose between their medications. How many of them really consider eye drops to be "real medicines" anyway? We can hope that fear of postoperative complications will motivate most to comply. We can prescribe less expensive choices (more on this in the next part of this series). We can apply for assistance from the drug makers. It was just so much easier when we could reach into the cupboard and hand out samples to those who couldn't afford to pay.
Remember when pharmaceutical companies could give us pens, pads and mousepads? Nobody misses those days. But I'm afraid we will miss the days when drug makers could provide enough samples to give a little help without fear of legal troubles.
In our next blog, we will examine some little-known truths about the costs of generic alternatives.
See Dr. Hovanesian share more expert insight live at Hawaiian Eye 2012, to be held January 15-20, 2012 at the Grand Wailea Resort & Spa in Wailea, Maui. Learn more at