Ocular Surgery News boosts, relaunches Healio/OSN Editorial Board Section
Healio.com/OSN is the online home of Ocular Surgery News. In addition to housing the online version of OSN, Healio/OSN creates daily news, meeting news coverage, executive summaries of journal articles, perspectives, videos, blogs and podcasts. With the increasing importance of Healio as the online presence of Ocular Surgery News and the continuous growth that is taking place online, we decided it was a good time to boost the Healio/OSN editorial board presence in the ophthalmic community.
We are excited to announce the creation of a brand-new, hyper-focused Healio/OSN Section of the Editorial Board. OSN has selected a dozen of the top social and web “influencers” in ophthalmology who will help share the website’s ability to engage and communicate with their fellow physicians through those various avenues of communication.
The overarching goal of this section will be to leverage the reach and capabilities of Healio to create the strongest possible community of current and future leaders to educate and inform the universe of ophthalmologists.
We look forward to working closely with our new section to learn how much more we can do to make Healio/OSN the go-to resource for information for ophthalmologists.
The new board members are Section Editor Uday Devgan, MD, FACS; Kenneth A. Beckman, MD, FACS; Alice T. Epitropoulos, MD, FACS; Mitchell A. Jackson, MD; Arshad M. Khanani, MD; Laura M. Periman, MD; Nathan M. Radcliffe, MD; Neda Shamie, MD; I. Paul Singh, MD; Rishi P. Singh, MD; George O. Waring IV, MD; and Darrell E. White, MD.
David W. Mullin
Senior Editorial Director