Novel trifocal IOL yields positive intermediate, near visual acuity results

SAN DIEGO — Compared with a monofocal IOL, a novel trifocal IOL provides similar distance vision and improved intermediate and near vision, according to a speaker.
“At our site this new trifocal IOL certainly provided good binocular visual performance in terms of distance performance, completely equivalent to the monofocal arm. But it provides an excellent range of vision, with at least all patients being able to achieve 20/25 at distance, intermediate and near when corrected for distance,” Elizabeth Yeu, MD, said at the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery annual meeting.
Yeu presented clinical data from a single-site 6-month study. Ten patients were bilaterally implanted with the Alcon trifocal TFNT00 IOL and eight patients received the Alcon monofocal SN60AT after femtosecond laser cataract surgery. Near, intermediate and distance visual acuities were compared between the two groups.
Six-month postoperative absolute manifest refraction spherical equivalent and absolute refraction prediction error were similar between the two lenses. Monocular distance corrected visual acuity at 1 month and 6 months postoperative was similar between the two lens groups for distance vision, but the TFNT00 group experienced better intermediate and near vision at both time points, Yeu said.
Binocular visual acuity outcomes at 6 months were similar for uncorrected visual acuity as well as distance corrected vision. However, the TFNT00 lens outperformed the monofocal lens at intermediate and near distances, Yeu said.
There was a “very impressive” separation of data between the intermediate and near arms, with the trifocal group, on average, achieving mesopic visual acuity of 0.17 logMAR, or J2 to J1 vision, Yeu said.
All patients in the TFNT00 group achieved at least 20/25 composite binocular visual acuity at all three distances at 6 months, while 40% achieved 20/20 vision. – by Robert Linnehan
Yeu E. Evaluation of near, intermediate and distance visual acuity of a novel trifocal IOL. Presented at: American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery annual meeting; May 3-7, 2019; San Diego.
Disclosure: Yeu reports she is a consultant and has completed research for Alcon.